Had a Good Time at Mac Store!

Since I don’t have any knowledge about computer stuff, it has been the last place for me to go.
However, one of my friend wanted to show me how good Mac computers are, so I decided to go.
Actually, I am thinking to get a new computer now.
But not sure which one I should get.
I thought it would be cool to have Mac desktop computer and use the screen as my TV and everything at my apt.
The only concern I have is if I can figure out how to use Mac computer.

I finally realized what a fun place Mac store is.
I never been to Mac store when I was in SF, but now I understand why they go there often when they are bored.
My friend explained how to use Mac computer, and showed all cool tools they have on the second floor showing in a pic above.
It was fun how much we can play with there computer at the store.
We took pictures, we checked e-mails, etc etc…
Also it was kinda interesting that there are so many foreigners at Mac store.
It was like a foreign country.
Anyway, now I am seriously considering to buy their computer.
It would be fun…
Hey Yu,
I think you totally should buy a Mac! I have one now (as you know) and totally love it. It took a little while for me to learn how to use it, because while most things are similar to windows, some important things are different. But I figured it all out within a day or two...
Most importantly the Macs are teechnically superior to windows computers AND they have MUCH better design. Anyway, I hope you get one! I can answer any questions you have about it if you're interested.
Hope you are doing well!
Love Dan
Hey, Dan
Thank you for giving me the first comment on my blog!!
Yeah, I am seriously thinking to buy it. It was not that expensive either. If I buy it , I bet I will ask you lots of questions!! Or maybe I will ask you more about Macs before I buy it.
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