Last Day in Philippines

It was very relaxing nice trip and a good experience for me.
Now I feel like that I was in Philippines long time ago.
I am now back to a real world in Osaka, Japan…
The last day in Borocay, we rode a motorbike around the town to take videos and pictures.
I had never seen these kinds of stores before, so it was very interesting for me.
After sunset, they use candles in a store and close pretty late.
Since they get power from other island, it seemed like they got out of power pretty often.
Maybe that’s why they had candle on those days, not sure….
Even at hotel, there was no light sometime during our stay, but it did not bother me at all since the moonlight was enough.
Their lives maybe difficult, but I strongly felt they are enjoying their lives.

Maybe because I have darker skin.
I got that in Philippines too from people in Philippines.
On a plane, there was a man sitting next to me.
He talked to me in Japanese, but he said, “Are you going to Japan by yourself? Good girl!”.
I was like, “???”
He talked to me with a little English, and asked me about Philippines.
It seemed like he totally misunderstood that I was a Philipina…
Anyway, today is the last day to write Philippines.
There are too many stories I got over there.
I believe taking vacation is good for us in many ways.
Next vacation will be August, which is the longest vacation I can get.
No plan yet, but gotta start planning soon!
im from indonesia
wuld you like to visit indonesia?
Yeah, Indonesia is one of the places I want to go!
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