Is Woman Equal to Man?

We ate Mango sweets like this lately everyday.
See why I can’t go on a diet?
This is just some of sweets I eat, but I have other research too, so I eat more than this a day.
To be honest, most of them are not good at all…
But it is fun that I can buy whatever mango sweets I see at the department store.
They all look cute and fun to talk about each sweets with my co-workers.
Lat couple of weeks, I have stayed at office till midnight everyday.
We installed whole new system to office, so we had to work on it.
The hardest part of overtime is that I can’t eat dinner.
Since I eat lots of sweets at daytime, I feel myself that I need to eat normal food too.

It is crazy idea, so we are having a hard time.
This kind of job is looked very interesting, but I do some other jobs too.
I love to work.
But sometimes I feel that I would not be able to keep working till I die.
The other day, finally I got sick and I was disappointed with myself.
I had been very careful about my health and wasn’t sick for a while.
Basically I am not strong because I get sick pretty often since I was little.
When I was in the US, my American boyfriend once asked me why I was so weak.
I was very surprised that he was so strict when I was sick.
But I figured that American men treat women equally like that.
Japanese society is getting the same way, but I don’t have confidence that I can be like a man ever.
And I am not sure if I wanna be like a man because it is natural that women are weaker than men in many ways.
(I know I can’t say “all women”. I bet there are lots of strong women in this world.)
That’s why I respect men a lot.
They are strong, they are tough, they work hard and they are ambitious.
I appreciate that women could get equal opportunity to work in a society, but I wonder I could do the same job as men…
I know that I shouldn’t feel this way.
I gotta be strong, strong, and strong!
yu, you are strong!
Miss you. Let's talk soon. I'm working at an office everyday now, and am online a lot. Let's talk!!
Love Dan (and Anne)
Dan and Anne,
It's been a while. I miss you guys too. I will be in the US in August or in September. Hope we can hang out!
Talk to you soon!!
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