Today, I was busy as usual, but I think I could work the most efficiently every today.
I finally understood how to work with many assistants.
When I was in the US, I talked with my ex boyfriend’s mom about my work.
She made me realize how inefficiently I work at my office.
I think I could not rely on my assistants, and I tried to do everything by myself.
When I was at the former department, I did all my work by myself, so I did not know how to trust other employees.
But she told me how to do that.
So I carried out soon after I came back from the US.
And it worked!
Now everyone feel that we are TEAM!
Since everyone helps me with my work, I can concentrate on the work which only I can do.
We discuss about many things now, which made them think a lot about their work, which leads them to like what they are doing.
Today, one of my assistants and I went to café instead of going to gym, since we got late for our pilates lesson.
Ah… I ate this banana float coffee at late at night.
How can I go on a diet…
At café, she told me that they were talking about me when I was not at my office.
She said they are talking how happy to have me as their boss. (Well maybe I should not write this kinda stuff by myself, though)
I was so so so so so happy to hear that!
I am not perfect at all, and I sometimes got depressed because I was not sure if what I was doing is right or not.
And I have felt that I have been supported by my assistants a lot recently.
I worried how they felt about it, so I felt I was so happy, honestly!!

My friend, Masaru was in Osaka on business for a day, and he came to visit me to my office.
He came to a restaurant close to my office and waited for me till I finished working.
After we ate at the restaurant, I toured my office for him.
Of course, at late at night, I could not show him much of it, but I showed him my new department.
It was kinda weird to have my friends at my office, but we always welcome people who want to see our company.
Unexpected visit surprised me and made me be happy today.
He might be in SF when I would be there next time, so I hope I can see him soon again!
This picture above is a menu which my assistant, Miss Manabe, ate at café after I ate Masaru.
Since I ate with him, I did not eat with her, but had banana float coffee only.
I was too full to taste her dish.
But it looked good, so I took a picture at least.
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