Jul 14, 2008

My Life Is Getting Better

Feeling Much Better

Our T-Shirt, originally uploaded by yikada.

I have had quite tough days lately, but finally I got back to a better life.
I had nice talk with all my assistants today, and I could have lots of my work done today.
Since I could leave office 10 minutes earlier, I drove to see my dentist.
Good thing that I went, my doctor fixwd my broken tooth and also found my bad teeth.
After seeing my dentist, I went to Junn's apt to talk about my business plan with Junn and Shisuke.
Last time I worked on business plan, Junn was not there, and Shinsuke gave me such a hard time.
However, this time three of us could talk a lot about my business plan, and it is getting a good shape.
Junn is such a smart guy whom I can respect and now I can feel comfortable paying fee for them.
I got a lot of homework, so I will be busy working at office and working at my apt for my future job.
Getting excited!!

This is a picture of T-shirt from 2001 or 2002.
Shinsuke wore this tonight.
I totally forgot about this t-shirt, but I now remember that Yuri made for our group.
She tool everyone's picture and print this.
I know I had one, but I don't know where it had been.
I was kinda moved that Shinsuke still keep the T-shirt...

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