I tried to cheer my boss up tonight because he was down today.
I went out to drink with him till 11:30.
I wanted to go home since I was tired, but I did for him!
However!!! what he did to me was not nice.
He kept telling me all the rumors like someone does not like me.
I was like, "Okay, are you like 5-year-old kid or something?"
I tried not to care, but hearing such a thing does not make me happy.
He mentioned a lot about my weak points and at the end when we go home, he said,
"You know? I am on your side."
I beg your pardon??
Some people love to hurt someone's feeling like he does.
All his info is not right, so I should not trust him, but still I care.
I regret that I tried to cheer him up.
Wait, maybe I did cheer him up by letting him to hurt me.
Oh well...
Hi Yu,
Sorry to hear you were feeling sad. Unfortunately, some people like to build themselves up by bringing others down. At least you can recognize that behavior. If you can recognize it, it's easier to ignore it, but it's still hurtful. Maybe he's jealous because you do such a good job with your department!
Thanks, Bill.
Yeah I am trying to feel pity for him that he acts like that. I would not be like him. That's what I learn from him.
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