Karaoke Dinner Ah Bad picture. Tireeeeeed. It was so hard to get up this morning since I went to bed at 3am. I was making plans for this coming business trip to the US.
I attended one seminar about heath issues, and I fell a sleep. I did not know the guy who sat next to me was someone I knew through work. I feel horrible that he saw mw sleeping at seminar since I HATE people who can’t be respect to a speaker. Uh, I was the one today… Just a few minutes, though, I guess… Oh well.
After work, I met up with my hula class friends to go to Karaoke. We had dinner when we were singing. It was kinda weird night. Not talking much but eating and drinking. Was it fun? Well, it was all right. I must have been too tired.
Watching YouTube Hours And Hours I forgot to turn off my cell-phone alarm and it made noise loudly enough to get Shinsuke up at 6:30 in this morning He comes to stay at my apt sometimes and makes me worried every time. He grinds his teeth weirdly and talked to himself while he was sleeping. Last night he was laughing so hard, which made me pretty scared. He must be tired… The picture above is him playing with my Mac. Looks like an old weird man.
And this is me with lazy mode. We separately watched YouTube with different computers and got to play one by one. We were both hungry but just did whatever each of us felt like to. Having him at my place does not bother me at all cuz I don’t have to entertain him and he does not too. Sometimes he makes me annoyed and upset but he is now one of my good friends after 7 years.
Since we woke up early I got sleepy and we found ourselves sleeping till 4:30 in the evening. I was like, "Oops, I gotta go to my parents' to get some dinner. So leave" And he left. What a friendship. He was thinking to move to my apt before to save his money, but glad he didn't. When we get together, we get really really lazy.
I had dinner with my parents and my dad said he would come to the US on business with me next month. I will be in SF from March 4th to 6th and will be LA from March 6th to 9th. He would join me in LA. I am pretty excited about it!
I slept too much today so a little worried if I can sleep tonight...
Too Fat I woke up at 6:30 in the morning and went to take a bath. Hot spring outside. Taking a bath in the morning is something I love. And we all had breakfast together. So many dishes in the morning.
After breakfast, we left our hotel and entered Udon school. We took two classed and graduated after 45 minutes. It was fun! We made Udon(Noodle) by ourselves! The area we visited was famous for Udon.
After we made Udon, we had to wait to be cooked, so we walked around the area and had green tea and Japanese sweets at Japanese style café.
We found Japanese Udon Cab which take us to many udon places, the picture above.
And had lunch, our Udon.
Finally we got back to Osaka by bus. On the way back to Osaka, we stopped many places and had snacks every time we stopped. After I got back to my apt, Shinsuke came over to fix my printer. We ended up to go to really good Japanese restaurant close to my apt and we ate a lot! The pic above is just one of them. He drunk a lot and decided to stay over tonight. And still drinking… But I don’t. I can’t imagine drinking tonight at all, still feel drunk from last night. We will sleep in tomorrow. Ahhh, I don’t know why I can eat this much although I am pretty sick…
With 100 people 100 of our company went to company trip to Kagawa prefecture for one night. We went to four-star Japanese hotel in Kagawa. We took two buses and we took it at 9 in the morning and started drinking from 9 in the morning. I had pretty bad cold so I did not drink in a bus, but most of them drunk and we had to stop at every rest place on highway to go to bathroom. We stopped at dancing place to see them dancing and danced together. The area is famous for Awaodori.
After we got to the hotel we took a bath at hot spring and one of the bath was roses bath which has roses in a bathtub. It is nice to take bath for longer than usually with talking with associates.
After the bath time was our main event of this trip. Party! Some of us was on a stage to entertain.
We ate all together. There are appetizers, and all I had. We had more dishes but too busy to talk to all people by holding beer and glasses to drink together.
After the party we moved to other room to drink more. I forgot to take medicines with me so I decided to drink instead. I had so much beer and sake. Everybody teased these men saying that theie faces are really big next me! They are my favorite sales people at our company. Company trip is the time I drink the most in a year. I really wanted to come to this trip and drink with them because this would be the last time for me to go on a trip with them. I drunk till 3 in the morning and my voice is now dead. Ahhhh, regret, but it was so much fun!
Have A Cold What’s the difference between “caught a cold” and “have a cold”? Anyway, I caught a cold and now have a cold. (Is this the right way?) My condition has been pretty bad and today was the worst. I went to work with wearing mask. I had lunch with my sis. Went to Thai restaurant and had a cup of coffee after.
I went back to office and felt fever. I had a pretty bad throat ache and realized that I had a cold. Our company trip is coming tomorrow and I had to find out if I could go. If it was flu, I can’t go so I went to my assistant’s father’s hospital. It was not flu, but I had fever. My boss drove me to the hospital and waited for me. He really shouldn’t have come with me. You should work, my boss! It was just a cold so I went back to my office and worked and left early. I stopped by at my mom’s and she fed me. Ahhh, I feel sick….
Shrine At Our Company We have several events at our company. Today was the day we wish our company have a good year in 2009. A Shinto priest comes to our company and pray for it. Employees whose positions are higher than managers join and stand 30 minutes outside to pray. The reason why we have this event is because of that. It is freack’n cold standing outside for 20min. Although it is now in February, still it was a really cold day.
After this event I went to join a convention in Kobe. I love driving to Kobe since we can drive on nice view bridge. After that, we had curry for late lunch at 2PM.
I feel a little sick but since my boss wanted to go for dinner with me, I did. Since I feel sick, I did not drink. Then my boss was not happy about it, so the dinner was over pretty quickly. I would be open-mined although I don’t drink! I don’t understand why Japanese get upset about such a little thing… Anywho…
These are something popular in Japan now. They sell these DVD on "As seen on TV". I was watching as seen on TV late at night last night and I almost bought it. I talked about it to my associates and one of them had bought them! So I will borrow them. Excited!!
I worked hard as usual and went to Hula lesson tonight. I am trying not to be absent from the lesson, otherwise, my teacher would punish me by changing my position. Scared. After Hula, I met my assistant and went to eat Kushikatsu. Eating this late is bad, I know, but I can't help it. Love Kushikatsu. Yummy!
I had extra day-off from work today. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I just decided to be lazy and get relaxed. Then my sis called me asking what I was doing. We were chatting on a phone quite long and I ended up to go to my sis’s apt to eat lunch. She fed me and we watched TV together. When I realized it was 4PM and I was taking a nap on a sofa. She had to go to work at restaurant so I left.
I went back to my apt and did laundry and clean-ups. I called my grandma when I was shopping for dinner. She talked a lot and told me that she is expecting me taking over my dad’s business. She, of course, does not know that I am leaving his company, but she started talking about it. I felt guilty not telling her anything, but I just said, “We’ll see”.
People think many different things. Interesting to hear those.
Can't Understand Men's Minds Mayumi and I slept in till 11 in this morning and went to lunch afterwards. We decided to hang put more before I left Japan. We have so many similarities and we can share so many topics. We were not THE best friends when we were college students, but still we were good friends and one of my favorite friends.
We went to lunch to get the best sandwiches with deep friend pork. After lunch, I went to a salon to get my eyelashes long. Mine had been pretty long, I would say, but I just wanted to get these done as my experience. They are really long now! I don’t need anymore mascara!
I went to get massage after that.
By the way, I just can’t understand what men think. My girlfriends always tell me that my attitude misleads men. How come men mislead my mind like that I am interested in them? I just wanted to be friendly all the time, and love being friends with them. Some get scared of thinking that I am in love with him. The other gets upset after knowing that I was not interested in getting married with him. Well well well, I am not in love with them, but still we can be friends. I still strongly believe that there is friendship between men and women.
Maybe I have some problems with men… Or maybe I just have a bad luck.
Nail&Hair Lately, I have been quite lazy these weekends, so I was planning to be active today. First I had my nail artist come to my apartment and had my nails done. It is always nice to talk with my nail artist, and we had a good time. After I got my nails done, I went to my beauty salon. I had hair treatment and got a little haircut. Nobody would realize, but I got satisfied by taking good care of my hair. It is getting healthier and healthier. Good thing, isn’t it?
I went to office a little bit and gave chocolate to my boss. He looked quite happy. Good. I went back to my apt from office and left to dinner. Chicken! These are Chicken Sashimis.
My friend, Mayumi asked me to ask Katus to introduce his American Football friend. So I did. We planned three weeks ago but he did not reserve a restaurant! Unbelievable, it was a Valentine's day so it is hard to get in to a popular restaurant without reservation. He would say because of his sickness which made him forget things, but I just got disappointed. So I reserve one right away. But he made it up by taking us really good dumpling restaurant after we ate. We ate and drunk a lot at the last restaurant, but we could eat damn good dumplings and beer!
It was 12 midnight when we realized so Mayumi and I took a cab and went back to my apt. She stayed at my apt for the first time. We chat a lot in a bed, like the old days when we were college students. I was drunk and sleepy so much, but it was a fun night with my friends.
Today was the day I gave chocolates to people whom I wanted to give for Valentine's Day. I bought some chocoalates and gave to people whom I care. It is hard for me to make choices, cuz I can afford to give all of them... Anyway, they were happy to get unique chocolates so I was happy.
After work, I went to eat with travelmates from 1 and a half year ago. They all work in the same industry and everyone is much older than me, but they took very good care of me. I attended with my dad. We ate globefishs and interestingly, they move although they were cut like those. Weird huh? I felt a little guilty to eat them, but they were tasty.
They love "Club", which is not a dancing club but sort of Karaoke bar. The only women in this group sang a song together. We had a good time, but a little tired now. It will be my beauty day. Going to Nail Salon and beauty salon!! Excited!
To People Who Care About Me It was a weird day today. I went to Tokyo office, but the person whom I had an appointment with took a day off suddenly and it was canceled. So I took a flight to Osaka and had lunch with my sis at the airport and went back to office in Osaka. I got a call from vice president saying he wanted to talk with me. It was such unusual and I got really nervous. I came in to his office and he asked me what I thought about my department and my boss. I told everything honestly. And he started asking me what I was thinking to do in the future. It seems like he heard about me leaving office and go to the US from my dad. He tried to stop me really hard. I did not know he cares bout me so I was so happy. He was really smart guy and he was never emotional. But today, he tried to pursue me saying how much they need me for this company. I was so glad to hear honestly, but my mind was not changed. He said my dad was not perfect when he started working for the company, but now he is great so I don’t have to be worried much. I told him that I had already made my mind and told him that I had been thinking about this so long. And told him that I really want to work hard till I leave and leave something big behind me. He said he would totally support me and wish that I would change my mind later. He said that a lot of people would get shocked if I leave. If I talked with him before, things had been different, but it was too late. But I really really appreciate about the fact that someone tried to tell me that I was meaningful for this company.
I will see how much I can do the rest of days I work for the company, but I will definitely work really hard. Still I think my decision was the right thing.
Holiday In Tokyo It was a national holiday today, but I had to go on a business trip in Tokyo. There was a convention there. We exhibit our booth last year and I was a leader for the convention, but this time, we did not exhibit, which I felt relieved cuz it was such a hard work. After the convention I went to "Traditional Snack Bar" with Masaru and Kosuke. Traditional snack is really cheap snack in 70's and 80's. Those are I always bought when I was an elementary school student. The bar is just a bar, but very old traditional looking and we can have so many kinds of snacks as much as we want. It was so much fun. Always nice to see Masaru and this time I saw Kosuke whom I used to live together kind of when I lived in Denver. He is my ex's brother. We were talking about old days and talked about old friends. Now Kosuke is thinking to be a teacher, which I thought it was good for him. He was 20 or 21 when I met him, but now he is 29. Time goes really fast and he looked much more mature now.
After we left the ber, Masaru and I went to Karaoke by ourselves. Lately, I love going to Karaoke. I guess it is a good way for me to get rid of my stress!
This is the exercise that I am into lately. It looks stupid, but trust me, it is such a hard work!!
It was a busy day today at work, and one of my assistant had a hard day. I went to Hula and called her after the lesson, but she was still at the office so I picked her up. I took her to dinner to a restaurant of Okinawa food at 10 PM. It is definately bad to eat this late. Oh well, I just need to do this Yakitori exercise!
Picture From Last Year I could not sleep last night somehow, so I had such a sleepy day today. I had a meeting and meeting and meeting, such a busy day. I gave everybody pictures from Hawaii we went last year. They were all happy and talked about our memories. After work, I went out to drink with some people from sales department. It was fun but I could not stop yarning. I was sleepy and when I drunk I got more sleepy. I left soo after the dinner and did not go to bar afterward, which we always do. Hey a week has just started! I shoulod not be like this. I usually the one who get all excited when we drink, but I was not in a good shape, so everyone was worried about me... I feel bad... I hope I can sleep tonight.
Need Vegetables I had such a relaxing Sunday. After talking with my secret to my parents, I feel that I am now free! I slept in, which is my favorite thing to do, and did laundry and clean up.
My mom had asked to develop all pictures from my digital camera. So I printed more than 100 pictures developed. So nice to have many pictures from all experienced I have had.
I had meat and all these vegetables at home. Eating at home is so nice cuz I can eat lots of vegetables!
I got a good rest, so I can work hard from tomorrow!!
My Final Decision Was Made Today was my X Day. Today was the day I talked with my dad. I was waiting and see when would be the good timing to talk with my dad about my future. About my new job waiting for me. Anyway, I woke up and went to lunch with a guy whom I have not seen for 7 years. I met him at Wealth Management Seminar of Citi Private Bank. Rich kids from all over the world got together and learned how to make money, how to judge what’s valuable, and make good friends. We had that seminar in New York for 2 weeks. I was the one who feels that I was the only one who is not as rich as they were. The way they spent money was crazy, and the way they hang out every night in New York was unbelievable. I don’t know why I was at the seminar when I was 23 years old. I got home-sick spending two weeks at W hotel in New York, and I remember that I missed my boy friend at that time back in Denver. Yuichi, whom I had lunch with today, was other Japanese in that group. He took me to a real good Chinese restaurant. We talked a lot and it was kinda weird to see a friend only for 2 weeks after 7 years. He let me eat lots of good food and two kinds of deserts!!
At night, I went to my parents’ and had dinner together. And talked with my parents about my future. I told him how thankful I feel that he let me work at his company. But I also told that I can’t be confident to take over his business because that I don’t have confidence, passion and the fact that I can’t forget my desire to move back to the US and be in a hostility world. After I talked, he said to my mom, “What do you think? I think it is good.” I was like WHAT??? That easy!?!?!? He said, “That is a reliable company, and that is what you have always wanted to do. And trying to be independent by yourselves like that is good thing” My mom was really happy that I got the job in the US from her heart. It was unforgettable night I had. I made a decision without my dad’s help for the first time in my life and he approved it! I strongly feel that believing helps you to make your dream come true. Finally I am going back to the US.
Well, but depending on visa… Keep my finger crossed about it.
From Tokyo to Osaka It was a crazily busy day today. I woke up and when to see magazine publisher to publish something about what we are doing on our project. I was on the phone when I was waiting for a train and got confused and got on a wrong train. This happens a lot when I am in Tokyo. Tokyo train system is too complicated!
After the meeting, I went back to Tokyo office and had a long meeting with my damn designer. And left to a meeting for a convention we will exhibit in April. I fell a sleep during the meeting a bit…
And I ran to catch a bullet train to see my friend, Sakura tonight. I really should not have answered the phone, but I did. That was from my boss. He was like, “Can we eat dinner together? We need to talk.” I said I can’t, and he complained that I always have plan on Friday lately. Is he my boyfriend or something?? Yuck… He came to a station waiting for me, so we had 30 min chat. He asked me if I am interested in working next to him whole time to be as his copy. I was like, hell no!! Sometimes, I have a hard time to figure out what he wants to do. I would not be anyone’s copy!!
I took a cab to my apt and Sakura was waiting for me. We went to a good Italian restaurant and talked till the restaurant closed. I think I am no ready to talk with my dad tomorrow.
Tokyo Is Like A Model Town I had lunch with my brother in Tokyo, who is not really my brother but like my brother. He took me to Sushi bar. People say Sushi in Tokyo is real. Well they were good and a little different from Sushi in Osaka.
After the lunch, I went to one of an Organic café which I wanted to research. I sat outside next to a warm stove. Very fashionable café. In front of the café, there was a filming going on. What a town Tokyo is!
I had this ice cream at the café. Very interesting café which I had never had.
I had a long long meeting with our consultant for our new organic project. It was longer than I thought so I was late for dinner with Masaru, my favorite male friend. We went out to drink and talked, talked and talked. I am so happy that he is now in Japan from Denver. I talked too much about my private story so I wish guys who were drinking next to us was listening...
Tokyo Business Trip For 3 Days Aw... I am back to Tokyo. I love Tokyo, but coming here for work leaving all my assitants back in Osaka is pretty tough. My job got doubled when I am in Tokyo. Well, I should not complain...
I always get impressed by sale people at Tokyo branch. There are only men working at the branch, but they serve me coffee right after I arrive. They take good care of me. I went to "Cold Stone" for sales. It was an interesting company. Just like American company but only Japanese people work. It is always exciting for me to meet people as a sales person. I just love doing sales. That is what I would do at the next job in the US.
I introduced our new product to our sales team in this evening. Also our artisan gave them demonstration how to use the new product. After the meeting, we al went out to drink. We had a good time. Whenever we go out to drink, we drunk till the next morning, but tonight we ended prettey early. Lucky!!
I can have a good long sleep at my favorite business hotel tonight.
Dating in Kyoto I spent a night at my grand ma’s last night. I woke up early to impress my grand mother. We went shopping to a couple places for him to bring some tuff back to SF. We drove to many places, and it was fun. We also had a nap too! It was such a peaceful relaxing Sunday but just lots of driving.
By the way, today I felt I eat for EATING. I had breakfast and had big lunch on the picture above.
Had an orange as snack, and also had an orange jelly on the picture above. It is $6.30 US. Expensive good stuff.
And had dinner, of course. My favorite grandma’s hand-made dish. My uncle’s friend for over 40 years came to join us.
It was a nice dinner!
This was the last thing I had today. I know I had too much. This is one of cakes Mr. Ito brought us. Cheesecake is my favorite cake in this world! I had swissroll tonight too. I drove back home and did some exercise! Now I's ready to go to bed! Ugh... I am full still...
I was born in Kyoto, Japan. I always wanted to be in the US. After I graduated from Japanese college, finally I went to Denver to get another BA. I moved to SF to work at hotel afterwards. Now I came back to Japan and work for a company in food industry. I do Internet business selling special sweets. I wish I can go back to the US soon.
This blog is my journal, so I keep writing about small stuff happened to me on that day.