I went for sales with my new assistant today.
She is 22 years old.
I have already felt "generarion gap".
Was I like her when I was 22?
Hard to communicate with her somehow.
I only can treat her like as my students, so maybe I am too strict to her...
I went for dinner with one of my old friend.
Friend? No, but someone whom I have known for a while.
He has asked me out for dinner for a while, and I said I was too busy each time.
However, he had never given up.
I was chicken, I could not say no at the end.
So today was the day.
He is a nice guy, but we have nothing common.
And more than that, it is too boring to have dinner with him.
I love going out for dinner with someone.
I don't get bored when I am with someone.
But he is the only one who makes me bored.
I tried sooo hard to pretend that I was not bored at all.
So he said,
"We will definitely should go out to eat again soon."
I was like,
"S, S, S, Sure..."
Glad that he did not realize how I felt tonight.
I want to learn how to say "No" to him.
I think I feel sympathy to him.
He is not a type of boys whom I usually hung out with.
So I don't know how to treat this type of guy.
Ah, today I thought myself that I am a devil.
Ah, I feel guilty to write like this about him here.
But could not help it...
Devil or angel...can't make up my mind! hahahaha
But maybe I'd say...on the level...I'm a lucky devil to meet a little angel like you. hahahahahahaha
Enjoy your Sunday! Rest, relax, and recreate!
Ja a ne...
I guess I should be happy to be told that it is hard to judge if I am devil or angel:)
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