My Another Hometowns

I had one connection, so I flew to Denver before getting to San Francisco.
I had lived in Denver for three years, so I got very excited when my flight landed to Denver.
Although I did not have time to get out of the airport, still I remembered so many things about Denver.
There were so many things happened at Denver airport.
It was the place where I got nervous when I first went there to go to school.
It was the place where I got excited to travel to different place during my school vacation.
It was the place where I felt sad to see many friends off.
It was the place where I felt happy to see my family when they visited me.
When I lived in Denver, I had so many good memories.
I got loss when I had no idea what they were talking about at the first lecture, but I managed to graduate in BA.
I made lots of good friends, went lots of restaurants, went fishing many times, moved twice, fell in love a couple times, got four different jobs, studied a lot, and drunk a lot.
This is one of my hometowns where I feel comfortable.

I had lived in SF for a year after I graduated school in Denver.
The first time I went to SF was when I was thirteen years old with my family.
Since then, my family went to SF every year, and some years, we were there three times a year.
I feel people in San Francisco are similar to people in Osaka, where I am from.
People are friendly, and look very happy.
Since my favorite uncle lives in SF, I decided to move to SF to get a job.
I drove to SF from Denver with full of my stuff.
My uncle took care of me all the time.
This is his cooking which he made all my favorite stuff.
I ran into his house mostly when I had problem.
He was there for me all the time.
He is like my best friend whom I can tell everything about me.
I miss him so much, and I wish I can live close to him in the future, and return him what he had done to me.
Now I have so my people I love in San Francisco.
This is the place I wanna be.
Atlanta wa?
Good catch! I had a feeling that you might say that. Hahaha.
Bad timing, huh?
Well, don't take it personal! I just wanted to say how much I love SF, like you do, you know??
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