Hiking Day in SF

People think I am good at any sports, especially running.
I like that they think I am a fast runner because I am such a slow runner actually.
I think those people have those kinds of image of me only because I have dark skin.
I don’t like to make people disappointed if they have some sort of expectation to me.
So I had tried hard to answer the expectation, although I kinda know “Who cares…”
I had never told people the fact that I was not like a person whom they image of me.
I was a leader of YMCA when I was a college student, and took lots of kids for camping to river and to mountains.
But still never liked camping at all, so I don’t know why I did that for four years.
The only camping I loved was with my friends from YMCA.
We went for a camp by car with tons of stuff and they did all setups without me.
They spoiled me, so I made fire only when I felt like to, and I did only my favorite parts like cooking outside or chatting in front if fire.
The best part was that I did not have to walk with carrying lots of stuff!!!!!

During this trip, I went on hiking with my boyfriend.
On that morning, our friend, Dan, was surprised “Yukako is going on a hike!?!?!?”
When I heard him saying it, I was so happy and thought, “How nice that people around me know what I am not good at! I don’t have to try hard!!”
Therefore, when we were in a mountain, I could say whenever I was tired and whenever I wanted to take a rest.
Before I had never be able to say such a thing, maybe I had a high pride.
Actually, I had a good time on that day. In a mountain
Hiking is not my thing to do every weekend, but I realized it is good for sometime.
I asked Ryan “What is the point to go for a hike?” then he said “To feel nature”, so I did.
I looked closer to things in a mountain, and it was interesting.
I saw many things, did echo for the first time in my life, and listened to nature sound.
Did I say that? Anyway, good entry. Eigo no ronbun ha dandan yokunatte kita. Ne! Kinou gomen, boku ha mecha tired datta. Kyo to asatte mou hokka no shigoto ha aru.
Aishiteru panpan!
Yes, you did! Don't you remember that I kept asking you why people go hiking?? Was fun, huh?
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