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Those Days
I had an opportunity to be with little kids the other day.
They are brothers from Denver.
I have known them since the time I was in Denver.
It was funny to see how shy they were when they first see people.
I understand their reaction, and I even feel jealous that they can show their shyness.
They can hide behind their parents.
But kids are great, because they can get along with anybody after a bit later they show their shyness.
I always wish that I don’t have to feel nervous when I first see someone.
I am shy, although I try not to be so hard.
Now I sometimes do sales job, and I think myself that my face looks too serious because I try too hard to hide my shyness.
I want to remember the days that I could get along with any situation.
She is 2 years old.
I can’t remember what I was thinking when I was two.
At this young age, dropping these cherries is such a big deal.
For us, it is not a big deal at all, but it is as big deal as our problems now as an adult.
I felt that I don’t want to look their worries too small.
For them, small things are big worries in their life ever,
Young kids are very emotional.
At our age, we think lots of difficult things and make everything very complicated.
Being emotional as an adult tend to be believed a bad thing.
We could be more honest about stuff.
Kids are so pure and I want to remember the days that I was so pure and want to be honest about my life.
It was nice to be with those kids and made me remember the old days.
Is Woman Equal to Man?
This is what we ate the other day.
We ate Mango sweets like this lately everyday.
See why I can’t go on a diet?
This is just some of sweets I eat, but I have other research too, so I eat more than this a day.
To be honest, most of them are not good at all…
But it is fun that I can buy whatever mango sweets I see at the department store.
They all look cute and fun to talk about each sweets with my co-workers.
Lat couple of weeks, I have stayed at office till midnight everyday.
We installed whole new system to office, so we had to work on it.
The hardest part of overtime is that I can’t eat dinner.
Since I eat lots of sweets at daytime, I feel myself that I need to eat normal food too.
We are trying to make Mango and Avocado sweets now only because I love Mango and Avocado.
It is crazy idea, so we are having a hard time.
This kind of job is looked very interesting, but I do some other jobs too.
I love to work.
But sometimes I feel that I would not be able to keep working till I die.
The other day, finally I got sick and I was disappointed with myself.
I had been very careful about my health and wasn’t sick for a while.
Basically I am not strong because I get sick pretty often since I was little.
When I was in the US, my American boyfriend once asked me why I was so weak.
I was very surprised that he was so strict when I was sick.
But I figured that American men treat women equally like that.
Japanese society is getting the same way, but I don’t have confidence that I can be like a man ever.
And I am not sure if I wanna be like a man because it is natural that women are weaker than men in many ways.
(I know I can’t say “all women”. I bet there are lots of strong women in this world.)
That’s why I respect men a lot.
They are strong, they are tough, they work hard and they are ambitious.
I appreciate that women could get equal opportunity to work in a society, but I wonder I could do the same job as men…
I know that I shouldn’t feel this way.
I gotta be strong, strong, and strong!
Will Be ON TV
The other day, we were video-taped by TV Broadcast.
It was the second time for us that our product would be introduced on TV.
However, it was the first time for me myself to be on TV.
I usually don’t mind talking in front of people, but it was different this time.
The reporter stood very close to me and talked really loud.
Also they gave me a paper what to talk and I had to say pretty much the same thing that they wanted me to say.
Now I know I can’t be an actress.
I love to talk with my own words, not with words which were made by somebody else.
I know I have different reason that I CAN’T be an actress…
It was a nice experience but I know it was the first and the last time for me to be on TV.
I don't want to be on TV anymore.
It will show on TV for one week over and over, but unfortunately I don’t want to tell any of my friends to watch it, because I might look horrible….
Anyway, overall I was very happy that our products would be known by more people now.
This product on the picture above is very very popular now.
It sells a lot which made me laugh!!
But thinking new products every month is pretty tough job.
I got in fight with an artisan today.
His health condition is not good enough to work hard, so he started making normal sweets.
It does not match the concept we made for this project.
Since I respect him so much, and I like him so much, it was hard for me to tell him that his new products are not good enough.
I still trust him that he would try hard and we can produce something which would sell more than this soon!