My roommate woke up at 6 and left to diving lesson.
I woke up at 8:30 and had breakfast buffet at the hotel.
I went to Alamoana Shopping Center and did lots of shopping.
I bought such a cute dress at DKNY, and also I bought other stuff too.
I saw a DKNY dress on Vogue and I was dreaming to get it.
I tried it on, but it looked like I am pregnant, so I bought a different one which is even cuter.
I had Jamba juice which I missed a lot.
Banana Berry!! It tasted good as usual!
I wonder why they don’t sell it in Japan!
I forced lots of my colleagues to have one.
After shopping, I went to Italian restaurant with my bosses and their wives.
We had Italian, and I was in charge of ordering.
I talked with my dad about the menu beforehand, so I ordered well, but they were too much.
And also I got pretty drunk after I said goodbye to them.
Probably, I was a little nervous in front of my bosses.
I checked my e-mails and I saw some boys from our company.
They saw my shopping bag and asked me where the store is located, so I took them to the store.

So far, I had such a good time in Hawaii, which might be the best time in Hawaii ever.
We are going to “The Original Pancake House” tomorrow morning and will go to beach.
I bought bikinis last night, so I can’t wait to wear them!
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