I woke up and nothing had been changed.
I was like, “What? Is this how 30 suppose to be?”
The first thing I did was writing letter to my parents.
Sounds weird, but this is something I was planning to do when I turn to thirty,
They celebrate my birthday every year, but this time I wanted to thank them.
This sounds stupid, but I almost cried when I was writing the letter because I was thinking all my memory with them for this thirty years.
My day started pretty good, but later, it got worse and worse.
I did a presentation to my dad, but he did not like it and I was scold sooooo bad.
So many people e-mailed me, text me, called me to say happy birthday, but my dad and my boyfriend didn’t.
I was waiting happy birthday from my boyfriend in America but never happened and still not.

One is a lady who is an artist.
She was in a project when Nike did “Just Do It”.
She was the member in a group who made the phrase.
The other is an old man who is a founder of one of the most famous café in Japan.
He is like 65 or so and married with French lady.
He had so many stories of his experience in all over the world.
He was a great man.
I fell embarrassed when I talk with those smart people because I don’t know much about anything.
But all of them are so nice to me, and I get motivated by them.
This is how hostclub in Japan is, originally uploaded by yikada.
And after my birthday dinner, I was taken to a host-club, which I have only known by TV.
All the boys celebrated my birthday and drunk a lot.
I drunk so much good wine at dinner and so much shitty champagne at the host-club.
Host-club is one of the most weird place where I have ever been.
Interesting experience, but I would never go again.
I was happy that so many people celebrated my biggest 30th birthday.
However, I am still waiting a word from two men whom I really love.
Happy Birthday!
Your English is great! Wow!
Wow, thanks! What a compliment from an English teacher!
You're welcome.
I wish I could speak better Japanese...I only know a few words and phrases though.
Hahaha, I think that's enough. You speak Chinese, right?
I speak basic Spanish and Mandarin Chinese but I'm not fluent in either....and I want to learn a little more Japanese just for fun.
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