Today was a bid day for my division.
We had a big change for our projects.
It seems sad for everybody to change their position or what they are doing.
Actually it was not the first time to change their positions.
But this time, I was the one who made the decision mostly, and I think I came up the best decision.
I was really careful how to tell them this time.
I took some of my colleagues to lunch and talked individual before tell big change in a group.
And tried to encourage them to think this change optimistically.
And they followed me.
And this is a bee I found on a ground on the way back to work from lunch.

Everybody gets afraid of changes.
They have so many questions to me.
I tried to answer everything.
I felt, I wish I had somebody who can answer all my questions too.
I am afraid of changes too, personally.
So much pressure and I even want to vomit.
I answered all their questions, but who knows if I am right.
I even don’t know…
But I can tell that thinking, talking and discussing is very important.
It is sometimes tiring, but I don’t want to give up.
I feel very comfortable being with my teammates lately.
They are becoming good partners.
Sadly, I can’t trust them 100%, but still I feel comfortable being with them, and it is very important for me to feel this way now.
Because this is very important time for me in my life.
Ah, I had nice dinner.
Ate too much a bit, though…
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