I woke up early this morning to leave to Tokyo to attend my best friend’s wedding.
I was excited about the wedding, but at the last minute, I started worrying about my dress.
I wasn’t sure if I was wearing the right dress for wedding.
Since I am always late for everything, I was about to be late for the wedding today.
I did not pay attention the schedule on the invitation card I got…
However, I was able to attend the ceremony at a chapel so I felt relived!
Worrying about time is always hassle and makes me tired more than necessary.
I should learn how to be on time someday soon.
Anyway, Masaru’s wedding ceremony was great.
I was so moved at the ceremony.
Somehow I had a weird feeling, hard to explain, but maybe because I was a friend of the groom.
Different feeling from the wedding ceremonies I attended for my girl friends.
Whenever I attend the ceremony at a chapel, I always think that wedding is such a big deal.
There are some couples who never had a wedding, but I think people should do a ceremony even it were a small one.

The bride, Aki, changed to a pink dress from the wedding dress.
She is such a sweet girl who cares people so much.
I had met her only once before this wedding, but I felt that I would like her a lot.
I feel happy when my friends get married with someone who is nice and someone whom I would be able to get along with.
These people in the picture above are the member of my table at the party.
People who attended his wedding party were global.
All people who were at my table could speak English including the two gentlemen from Germany.
The young guy is SPI, I heard.
We talked about crimes at the wedding.

I could see some old friends from University of Denver, so it was like a reunion.
Almost all friends I got to know at the school now became great business men/women.
There are so many things I could learn from them and I am lucky that I have so many connections through them now at a business situation.
I was introduced more people who graduated from DU before I entered the school.
We went out to drink after the cocktail party by ourselves with 13 people.
Masaru, groom, joined us at the end and some of us went back to his hotel and had pink champagne at a bar which was located on the highest floor.
Great view and nice champagne!
Today, I drunk and talked so much.
What a good day.
I am glad that I was invited his wedding, and I think I became happy too by seeing the happiest couple today.
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