I was so moved by Obama’s winning speech.
Congrats on Obama!
I have wanted him to be President not as Japanese, but as a girl who used to live in the US.
Since America is getting messed up, I wanted someone to change, since I love America.
I am not American, but I was so moved by his speech and really expect him to change America.
At the last minute, suddenly, I wasn’t sure if he would win but McCain would.
Now I am excited but a little scared how America would change.
Anyway, his speech was sooo great.
We bet on this election.
Of course I bet on Obama, and after we got this news at work in this afternoon, we were all excited and repeated, “Yes, we can. Yes, we can.” Just for fun.
But seriously, our department needs changes, and yes, we can!
I am looking forward to seeing how America would change from now on.

Nowadays I love wearing one-piece dress.
Ahhhh, my room is so messy…
I went to gym and did pilates.
It was soooooo hard…
I had not been to gym for a while, but I will try going there often from today.
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