I had a busy morning.
I interviewed five people to hire my assistant as a part time job.
It was interesting to see many kind of people.
Housewives, musician, and a guy who just keep doing a part time job...
By interviewing many people, I learn a lot.
Tommorow, I will have four more people to meet.
One will be an American guy, but not sure if he would have visa...
BTW, the picture above is a miniture cherry pie figure.
My sis, one of my assistants and I are collecting these figures lately.
We have so many tiny sweets figures.

They are our competitors, but good to be friends so that we can share the same info.
Two sales persons from each company joined.
I am always the only one girl at this kind of party.
I got used to but sometimes I feel bad for them since I bet they want to do men's talk.

Sang song in front of people.
It was a pub which is owned by a gay boy, who used to be a girl.
He (she) told me quite a detail how he turned to a boy from a girl.
It was so interesting to talk a lot with him.
I got home just now like 1AM.
I will go out to drink again tomorrow night.
Hwaaaaaaa, sleepy...
Hi Yu,
Can you tell me please, what is the food in the blue and white dish in the Korean BBQ restaurant photo? It looks a bit like nori that has been roasted over a flame. I am curious as to what that is!
Bill (from Alaska)
Hey Bill,
They are seaweeds. Korean Nori, my favorite stuff!
Thanks for your reply, Yu.
I was pretty sure that was some type of seaweed (nori). This past summer I gathered seaweed from beach in Alaska and dried that. Oishi katta!
Bill yori
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