Today, I woke up and I went to a seminar about Snoopy.
I was late since I misestimate the time.
What bad businesswoman…
The seminar was mainly for designers who arrange snoopy picture to use for their own packages or items.
Therefore, it was lectured by a designer and lectured all about fashion trend in 2009.
It was sooooo boring.
So many technical words for fashion and I had no idea…

Since that was a casual meeting with my boss, I had parfait, my favorite desert.
Since it was a parfait at a tearoom attached to a fruit store, it was different.
More delicious than any other parfaits I had.
Since the meeting was over quicker than I though, I went to the airport at 4:45.
I supposed to take 6 PM flight, but could change to 5PM flight.
I called my mom soon after I got off the airplane, and got to know that my dad was at the airport too.
So I called my dad and went to restaurant to meet up to my mom.
It was such coincident that my dad took the same flight with me on the same day.
I had not talked with my dad for a long time, so it was a nice conscience.
He was excited to see me and talked a lot about work.
He said, “it was so nice to have you at dinner tonight. Sooo nice to see you tonight.”
I was so surprised to hear that, since he has not said such a thing for years!!
We had Okonomiyaki and icecream.
Oveall, it was a nice day.
I could go home early enough and could get relaxed!
I had Okonomiyaki in Osaka. It's like a Japanese style pizza, neh? I had it once with mayonnaise and once with no mayo. I think I like it better without mayo. Oishikatta!
Yeah, it is Japanese style pizza. I like it with Mayo. I love mayo!!
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