I had a date today.
I was so excited about it and looked forward it.
The place he took me was really cool and I loved it.
Although my stomach was pretty rough and could not eat much, I thought they are very delicious.
We had a good time till the end of the dinner.
He is a shy guy, I think, but pretty aggressive to me.
We are not even in a relationship, but he talked about the future of us together a lot.
I felt weird and uncomfortable about it.
He kept telling me what he expects me and what he can do to me.
As I wrote last night, he is sweet, but a little too much for me as the beginning.
He had a couple problems.
He confess about them to me, like everything,
I appreciate that he tried to be honest with me and not to hide anything, but I got scared.
After the dinner we went to have a cup of coffee and talked more, but at that time, I did not feel like talking much.
I felt that “he was not the one”.
I know it is too quick to get the answer, but he wasn’t.
After I got home, I read his blog he mentioned.
And I felt guilty...
He is such a good guy.
I should not have been judgmental like this from what he had told me today.
I should have been nice to him till the end…
Since when did I become a cold person like this…
I hate myself a bit tonight.
Hi Yu...
Oh, you asked if I noticed that you went to the tofu restaurant I mentioned. Yes, I noticed that -- when I saw the pic of your friends there, it reminded me of eating there with my friend from Daito City.
About your date...I always think it's best to trust your heart. Going a bit slow in starting a relationship can be a good thing. Maybe you felt a bit "rushed" to form a relationship before getting to know him better. My unsolicited advice: take it slow and easy at first.
I hope your stomach ache is better by now. I find if I eat something with ginger -- even drink a ginger ale beverage -- it helps cure a stomach ache.
That's a little scary to talk about the future when you are on a date. It's one of the things not to talk about. You should not also talk about religion and politics too. (笑)
I know! I was not the one who wanted to rush... He may be just an honest guy. But I got scared, you know. My stomach got better now by the way.
It was kinda interesting experience for me. He made me surprised. I wonder whatelse he would confess to me on the second date... He is really nice guy, though. Oh well.
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