This is quiche we made.
It was a pretty efficient day today at work, I guess.
I had lunch with my sis to talk about my offer letter.
Yes, I got an offer letter from the company which I got job.
Now I know how much I get paid from the company.
But still I am thinking what I should do.
Anyway, I wanted to show the offer letter to my sis, but my dad came to the same restaurant to have lunch and ended up to eat together.
I had been nervous whole time.
Kinda weird, huh?
My dad finished eating before we finished do he left early and my lunch was on him, Yay!
After he left my sis and I had a god conversation.
So nice to have sister whom I can talk to anything.
I went to Hula lesson after work.
And after Hula, I had lunch with my good friend, Shinsuke.
We talked like forever.
He is like my girlfriend.
Feel comfortable to hang out with him
Today, I got to know the fact that one guy talked about me that I was the guy’s overcapacity.
What is that meaning?
He said he is not good enough to take care of me.
I mean, how come people judge like that without know me? That’s weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!!
First of all, I am not asking you to take of me!, we are not that relationship!
I listen, but I have my opinion, and what is so wrong about it?
I am not a girl who agrees everything what men talk.
If I can agree, I say so, but if I can’t, I can’t agree and tell my opinion.
I am not that smart, but I can’t act like a stupid person either.
I am not that rich, but I save money to buy what I want.
People see me that I am so strong and say that I look like that I can live all by myself.
Of course I want to rely on someone.
I am not saying that I wanted to go on a date with him, but I just got shocked that he even did not try knowing me and judged me like that!
That’s not nice!
He even did not know me much.
We just talked a bit!!!
He just got my background info from someone and judges from little work conversation!
I am upset.
Still Japanese men don’t understand how working women live this society!!
I talked about this tonight, and I was told that this is why people think that I am too strong.
People told me that I should not get upset like this, cuz it looks me too aggressive person.
Well, should I be girly girly from now on?
Hell no, I can’t!!
I will find someone who will understand me and love me just the way I am.
It's hard to find just a nice guy. I love my personality and i'm a bubbly girl. I also like to debate and tell my opinion, but a lot of guys like to control the girl to make them do what he wants. I was with a guy like that and it didn't help me. It made me very weak...
Men are all the same all over the world, huh? I think it would be the best that letting men feel that they are controlling but actually we conrol secretly.
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