It had been cold lately.
But today was a fine sunny day.
I went to sales with my co-worker to Kobe by car.
I got lost and it was like a small drive-date.
It was fun.
We talked a lot about our new project.
After work, I went to Hula lesson.
We are not ready for our stage yet, but it is getting funner and funner.
I realized that I got so many bruises on my body today at Hula lesson when I changed my clothes.
The day before yesterday, I was talking on the phone with my friend and I wanted to do my laundry at that time.
I tried to reach a washing machine, but there was a code between me and the wasing machine.
I was trapped by the code and fell really really hard.
Now my toe pinky got puffed, and has bruises more than you can see from this picture.
I got another bruises on my leg, heel and arm.
The bruises on my heel is the worst.
Hard to walk with my high heels at work...
By the way, I made a decision.
I e-mailed the company in the US and told them that I would get that job.
But I have not talked with my parents and now they are in Hawaii.
What can I day?
Hi Yukako,
Oh, you made your decision! Wow! Ganbatenne!
I know a nice building in Chicago -- it's called
2 E. Oak Street and has condos for sale (around $250,000 for a 1-bedroom, less for an efficiency) and it also has some efficiencies for rent (about $1300 and up).
What I like about this location is that it is close to restaurants, bars, nightclubs -- all within safe walking distance (Rush Street neighborhood). Rush Street is very cool for restaurants and bars! This location is easy for getting around Chicago as it is centrally located. I met some airline flight attendants in Chicago and they lived there and liked it very much.
Here's an example of a condo there:
The condos have hardwood floors (Brazilian Cherry), granite counters in kitchen, jacuzzi tub in bath, French doors, etc. Nice place for a young business executive. Again, the location is really good!
Check it out if you like.
Hope you bruises are healing! Good luck!
Thanks for all your info!
Actually I still have not where I would go.
I supposed to go to Chicago at the last interview, but they decided to find another position for me. So it would be in Chicago, New York, California, or even in Ohio!
I will see...
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