Finally year 2007 is ending.
It was quick and long, I would say.
Somehow I managed to finish cleaning my apt before 2008.
Look, how clean my room is now!
Well, I don’t wanna have this much hard time the next year, so I will try to clean little by little everyday.
So many thins happened in 2007.
I think I went traveling so many times this year.
Anyway it was really really busy year.
January, 2007: A Happy New Year
February, 2007: My grandpa past away & My good friends got married
March, 2007: Went to FL, NY, LA, and SF for researching dog stuffs
April, 2007: Got promoted to Kacho
May, 2007: Went to Philippines & Couple of my friends had weddings
June, 2007: Started Sales job in Tokyo & Went to Gunma
July, 2007: Went to Quebec, Montreal, Boston, and NY & Went to Nagano
August, 2007: Went to Thailand & Biggest incident for our company happened
September, 2007: Went to SF & Had Hula concert
October 2007: Went to Shanghai & Started to join a new project & Had a big BD party
November, 2007: Lots of business trip every week to Tokyo, Nagano, etc & Started to write journal on this blog everyday
December, 2007: Worked really hard
Lot of changes in this year.
Work, Hobby, Love, Family… Everything got changed.
Bad and good happened, but in total, I had such a good year.
The biggest incident was that the fact I am still in Japan.
I was going to move back to the US, but things got changed and I am here in Japan.
I still think that I am going to move back, but at this moment, I think I was lucky that I had to stay here to work for my dad.
I learned so many tings in this year, and I think I got my career up.
I am getting confident, and I am sure that I will do better in year 2008.
Ah, 4 mins left to have a new year.
I think I should get ready for it now.
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