I am having such a good day today.
I woke up at 6am once and made sure that I did not have to go to work today and turned off all the lights I left on last night, AND put my PJ on since I was sleeping without PJ last night.
Anyway, I felt so happy that I could sleep in, like more than 12 hours!
So at 8 o’clock, I realize that I should not sleep anymore.
I even had a headache because I slept too long.
After I woke up, I started a big cleaning day of my apt.
I cleaned my air conditioner for the first time since I move to this apt.
My air conditioning was not that good for a while, and now I know why.
The inside of the air conditioner was soooo dirty.
It was fun to clean it, and now it works really well.
I cleaned one forth of my apt and went to Spa.
After spa, I went shopping and went to Chinese restaurant for my first food since yesterday lunch.
I went back home and did some more cleaning.
And Voila! I got my nails done.
My nail artist came to my apt for my winter vacation nails.
I had not got my nails done this much for a while since I had to go for sales to meet many people.
So tonight is the night I feel really happy by looking at my pretty nails!
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