These are my dinner for tonight and breakfast for tomorrow.
I know this is bad, but I had to buy these roll cakes for work.
These are such a famous cakes in Osaka, but since I am so used to delicious sweets in Tokyo, these were nothing, unfortunately.
Oh well…
I got something to eat.
I had department morning meeting so went to work early this morning.
And I got a call from my co-worker in Tokyo whom I went to sales together.
It was a bad news.
We could not get a business with a big fast-food “L”.
We almost got them, but they turned me down at the last moment.
Actually this is the second time when my customer turned me down at the last minute.
Making business is not easy, I realize.
I regret that I don’t live in Tokyo, so that I can go talk to them to pursue, well maybe still it would not work, though…
Still I have to wait the answer from coffee shop “S”.
I am trying hard not to expect too much not to get disappointed too much.
From this afternoon, I went to a seminar to learn about Internet sales.
I learned about mobile sales, since there are so many buyers through their cell phones.
It was interesting and I got so many good ideas what I should do about my Internet business.
After the seminar I asked so many questions and I left my important item which I had to use for the next appointment.
How come I am so careless!!
I realized one hour later and the person who was in charge of the seminar had already got on a bullet train with my important stuff.
He tried to be nice to me not to leave it at the seminar room.
Because of that, I had to postpone the appointment.
The good part is that I could go home early because I missed the appointment, although I feel a little guilty.
I came home, and I cut an apple and a persimmon to get ready for tomorrow.
I love eating fruits, which I do everyday lately.
I could do my laundry, which is so unusual that I can do it on weekday night.
I cleaned my house and I got rid of a lot of old stuffs I kept to get good luck.
Someone told me that I have to throw things away, which I am not good at, because keeping old stuff would not let people move on.
Let old air be out and let new air be in.
Well, I don’t think I can throw all old stuff, but I would try some because I believe someone’s advice.
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