I was invited Japanese traditional “Bonen Kai” (Forgetting Year Party), which is held at the end of the year, by boss from other department.
I was the only one who was not belonging to the department, but since I hang out with those people from the department pretty often through work, they invited me.
Actually, I was invited from many other departments too, but I won’t go all.
This is not because I am popular, but I think they fell that they should do since I go to each department everyday and I am the only one who works every department.
It is nice of them to invite me still, but I don’t think I can afford anymore…
Also I have to have the same parties with my friends and other work-related people too.
This is interesting Japanese culture to have party at the end of a year and the beginning of a year.
Basically, we just get together, drink and chat.
To forget about the past whole year, we do “forgetting year party”, and to wish a good year, we do “New Year party”.
Both are quite the same thing, but for people who loves drinking and partying, this season must be the happiest one!
I will have a couple more parties till I finish this year.
Not to forget about 2007, but to enjoy the party with many kinds of people.
I actually don’t want to forget about 2007.
It has been such a dense year.

We had “broiled (pieces of) pig innards”-according to my dictionary for translation, but does not sound right.
Well, they were not pig but beef, first of all.
And we had weird parts of them such as neck, stomach, chin and so on.
It might sound gross, but actually tasted good.
On the way home, I got sick on a train.
Lately I get a ride sick pretty often.
Bullet Train is the good place to finish my reading and work, but recently I can’t…
In bullet train, train, bus and car, the entire ride made me sick.
Gotta figure out what’s wrong with me, otherwise, I can’t do anything while I am transporting.
Okay, I should go to bed now.
One more day to go till I get a day –off!!
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