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Drinking with Fever

I am sick now.
I have a cold and I have throat ache, stomachache, and nose running.
I was high because of fever and tiredness.
So I finally took a medicine and got a little better.
The reason why I took medicine was because I had to go out with girls from work.
We have girls’ night like four times a year.
Since I usually talk a lot, they expect me and one more girl to entertain the table.
I was really not feeling to, but after I started drinking, I felt better and we had great conversations.
We went to Karaoke after dinner and it was all right.
I was just so tired and sleepy.
I was so ready to go home, cuz it was like 11:30 PM.
But elder lady said she did not drink enough and she feel lonely.
It seems like she have had problems mentally a bit, she came to me this morning and we talked a bit.
I was worried about her, and also I thought it would be rude to say no since she is older than I.
She really wanted to talk about her problems.
I took her to a Jazz bar in my town, since she loves Jazz.
We were there till 3 in the morning.
I am sooooo sleepy now, but writing this with drunk.
I had such a good time at the bar as usual.
I was so happy that she wanted to share her problem with me today.
She said I should tell her my stuff too, but I didn’t.
She kept saying that I am too dry and she wanted to be closer to me mentally.
It is kinda rare to be told that someone wants to be close to me.
I was happy but I was not confident that I would be open to her completely.
She is a nice lady, but I never be able to be close friends with colleagues, somehow.
We talked a lot with other customers at the bar.
It was fun.
But I am sleepy.
I should go to bed now…
I can’t go back to read what I just wrote, because I am soooo sleepy…
At the beginning of 30s

This is a flower I got last night and brought it to office in Tokyo.
Halloween flower, cute, but not my style...
Today was also my birthday in the US because of time difference.
Many of my friends from America sent me birthday e-mail, even from someone whom I have not kept in touch for years.
Still I did not get e-mail from my boyfriend and I got really worried about him with thinking something must have happened to him.
I did not think that he would forget my birthday.
So I called, and we broke up.
I just got so shocked that he even did not remember my birthday and broke up with me on my birthday.
Not upset, but surprised, well, more than surprise.
That’s how much he cared about me…shit…
I had a feeling that he was not happy about our relationship, but I was pretending not to realize.
I thought that efforts would do something.
I wanted to keep this relationship because I needed him for my mental.
We have known each other for 4 years, but we live far away each other for 3 and a half years.
I did not mind the distance because I could see him quite often, but it did not work for him.
I think it was not only because of the distance, though.
Relationship is difficult.
I really had a fate that we would be together for good in the future somehow.
I don’t know why, but I strongly thought so…
It was so much fun to be with him.
He is silly boy, but very charming and funny.
It was so much fun to fool around with him.
He is sensitive and freak out a lot.
So I had to treat him carefully.
He loves freedom AND so he is free.
But at the end of our relationship, it seems like he tried really hard for our relationship.
He tried hard to understand my situation and compromised.
So I blame on myself about not trying harder.
I loved him more than anybody, but I was not a good girlfriend who could be with him when he needed.
We were on and off for 4 years, but seems like we are now completely over.
I am sad, but at the same time I feel relieved.
I loved him but it was painful for me to have him in the US with thinking about my work and future.
I am not capable for caring about others now.
God is saying that,
“Now is the time you should concentrate on working and see what you really want in the future”
I agree.
I thought it was horrible that this happened on my birthday at first.
However, now I am positive about this.
I can start from zero when I turned to 30, so maybe this was not the bad start of 30’s but good start.
I will definitely work really hard from now on and will make my dream come true.
Still I will not give up working in the US soon, and will live how I want.
I am so satisfied with having many types of relationships with one person.
No more regret with him.
No more boyfriend, but me myself from tomorrow.
Sounds miserable? Not really.
Anyway it was a big day…
30Th Birthday

I woke up and nothing had been changed.
I was like, “What? Is this how 30 suppose to be?”
The first thing I did was writing letter to my parents.
Sounds weird, but this is something I was planning to do when I turn to thirty,
They celebrate my birthday every year, but this time I wanted to thank them.
This sounds stupid, but I almost cried when I was writing the letter because I was thinking all my memory with them for this thirty years.
My day started pretty good, but later, it got worse and worse.
I did a presentation to my dad, but he did not like it and I was scold sooooo bad.
So many people e-mailed me, text me, called me to say happy birthday, but my dad and my boyfriend didn’t.
I was waiting happy birthday from my boyfriend in America but never happened and still not.
I thought “30 is no fun at all, but I met two great person for work.
One is a lady who is an artist.
She was in a project when Nike did “Just Do It”.
She was the member in a group who made the phrase.
The other is an old man who is a founder of one of the most famous café in Japan.
He is like 65 or so and married with French lady.
He had so many stories of his experience in all over the world.
He was a great man.
I fell embarrassed when I talk with those smart people because I don’t know much about anything.
But all of them are so nice to me, and I get motivated by them.
No Hula Day

I get frustrated when I can’t attend Hula lesson.
I will be on a stage in March, so I have to attend the lesson every time and practice a lot.
I was ready to leave office at 7, but many things happened.
Now Hula dance is my favorite thing in my daily life.
This is new sweets I make at work now.
Very simple and all organic.
We just started selling from yesterday on website.
Ah, somehow I got really really tired today.
I don’t wanna go on a business trip to Tokyo tomorrow…
Talking is Important

Today was a bid day for my division.
We had a big change for our projects.
It seems sad for everybody to change their position or what they are doing.
Actually it was not the first time to change their positions.
But this time, I was the one who made the decision mostly, and I think I came up the best decision.
I was really careful how to tell them this time.
I took some of my colleagues to lunch and talked individual before tell big change in a group.
And tried to encourage them to think this change optimistically.
And they followed me.
And this is a bee I found on a ground on the way back to work from lunch.
I went to dinner with colleagues to talk more after the group talk.
Everybody gets afraid of changes.
They have so many questions to me.
I tried to answer everything.
I felt, I wish I had somebody who can answer all my questions too.
I am afraid of changes too, personally.
So much pressure and I even want to vomit.
I answered all their questions, but who knows if I am right.
I even don’t know…
But I can tell that thinking, talking and discussing is very important.
It is sometimes tiring, but I don’t want to give up.
I feel very comfortable being with my teammates lately.
They are becoming good partners.
Sadly, I can’t trust them 100%, but still I feel comfortable being with them, and it is very important for me to feel this way now.
Because this is very important time for me in my life.
Ah, I had nice dinner.
Ate too much a bit, though…
Sleepying Is Important

I could not go to bed early last night somehow.
I think I was too excited from the night which I met so many old friends at the same time.
Soon after I got up at noon, I got ready and went to Spa.
Going to Spa is sort of my habit, which I think I deserve.
Very relaxing but I will stop going there soon because of my other interests.
After going to Spa, I did some shopping in downtown.
Recently, while I am walking, shopping or doing anything, I think about my new projects.
It is so much fun to think about it.
Had dinner at my parents’ and got this bracelet.
It was sent to my parent’s house last night.
It does not look my style, but I really really like it.
I am so excited to wear it to work tomorrow.
I came back to my apt pretty early, so I started clean my room, did dishes, and did laundry.
Ah, I feel that I had not been at my apt for a long time.
So nice to be at home.
Gotta get up early tomorrow for a morning meeting.
I will get ready for tomorrow and go to bed early tonight.
Now I know that sleeping is really important for everything.
Saw As Many People As I Could

I had been in Tokyo o business for two nights.
I come to Tokyo for sales, meeting, or seminar most of the time, but this time was different.
I met so many successful people.
On 23rd,
I visited a lady who works at a branding company.
She had lived in France for some years, and now she helps me with the idea for opening a store in the US.
I love her characteristic so much.
I saw a nutrition for pets, who has been successful in that field.
She was also successful in NY too.
She is a tough lady, but really nice lady.
On 24th,
I met a 60-year-old lady who is very very successful in food industry in Japan.
She is from Hawaii and she can speak so many languages.
It was very interesting to listen to her story about the time she opened her business 36 years ago.
I took a cooking class with a daughter of a Japanese famous sweets company.
Cuz we got introduced a man who is a founder of the biggest cooking school in Japan.
The picture above is him.
I cooked with him, and I bet nobody would agree that it is a part of my job to take a cooking class.
But it was.
I had dinner with the daughter, a man who works at a big broker company and two more interesting boys.
One is the same age as mine.
He opens his own business in Shanghai by himself when he was 24 years old and being successful.
I learned a lot from him how to open a business outside of our company.
The other is a web designer, but actually the owner of a host-club.
Both are young but they have a strong visions, which made me realize that I have not thought enough.
Seeing lots of successful people are interesting, but to be honest, also tiring.
Some motivate me, but the other depresses me.
It was interesting long Tokyo business trip.
What We Saw in an Aquarium
This is a part of family of eel.
I thought it was weird, but interesting.
I had never liked an aquarium, but I love zoo much more.
However, I learned an aquarium is fun place to go.
We watched Dolphin stage, and it was so cute and fun too!
Second Day in Okinawa

My sister and I got in fight a lot.
However, during this trip, we did not argue about anything.
We did sightseeing togehter.
We went to Spa together.
We ate good food together.
We shop togehter.
We danced together.
We went to an aquarium together.
We chat a lot during this trip.
I did not know it was this much fun to travel with my sister.
First Day in Okinawa

I went to Okinawa with my sister from last Friday to Sunday.
It was the first time for me to take PTO and also first time to travel with my sis by ourselves.
Look! Doesn't it look like Hawaii??
Yeah, Okinawa made me miss Hawaii so much!!
It rains hard pretty often in Okinawa.
It doesn't rain for a long time, but it suddenly starts rainging there.
We rent-a-car and it rains so hard on the way from the airport to our hotel.
I saw this jeep next to us, and thought a Japanese jeep buff was driving.
But it was actually American army's jeep.
It was real.
I wonder what they were doing...
When I took a couple pictures, they stared at me, so I got scared...
Seriously, there are so many Americans in Okinawa.
This is our welcome fruit in cour room.
We stayed at such a great hotel!
Huge room, huge beds, nice, view, and a big balcony.
Oh my god, the sound of the ocean made me be sleepy so much.
I went to bed at 9:30 at night.
Ah, what a luxuary trip!

Wow... it’s been three month since the last time I wrote.
I feel like it has been like a year or more.
For this three month, I had so many different experiences.
Good and bad. Worst and best.
If I write all of them here now, it will be such a long entry, so I won’t.
Anyway, I finally feel like starting this blog again.
Now I am happy, because now I know what I am doing and what I will do in near future.
I woke up at 5 in this morning with my heart beating so fast.
Somehow, I was that exited to start my week today.
It sounds crazy, and it had never happened before so I was surprised myself.
I came up a really good idea last night, and I was thinking to work on writing report this morning.
And actually it was so much fun for me to work today whole day.
Sometimes I HATE working, but sometimes I get crazy on working.
I know I don’t want to work forever, but I want to do my best now.
I get on elevator to go up to my room.
Sometimes I have to wait a while.
I know what I want the best by what I am thinking while I am waiting for the elevator.
Sometimes I think nothing, which means that I don’t want anything.
Sometimes I think about my family, my boyfriend, and lately I think about my work a lot.
To be honest, this job is not what I really want to do to live, but I have to.
I have to get something big soon, so I have to get really good result now before I leave.
It is my life, but I have to care what other people think about my life.
Not only for me, but also for my family.
I felt miserable about it before, but now I am happy because at least I can get excited about what I am doing right now.
I don’t know how long this feeling would last…
By the way, this is a picture of Quiche, which is French dish.
Quiche is one of projects which I am working on.
I like this project the second.
Tasting quiches is horrible for a girl who wants to loose weight…
Kinda feel good to write.
I gotta get up early tomorrow again.