Slow Saturday W Uncle K I spent a night at my parents’s house with my sis and uncle. My parents are in Hawaii on business now so we had to take care of our doggy. I wanted to get up early to go out on a date with my uncle, but could not. I was so tired from last night. Well I am always tired on Saturday from all my work from Mon-Fri. Yes, I am weak. I need to sleep. Anyway, I woke up and finally got ready to go at noon, and had lunch all together. My sis left for ski to Hokkaido today, so Uncle K and I went to our cousin’s dog’s hospital to leave my dog for two days. It is always hard to make her spent at dog’s hospital. She always can’t eat and sleep well when she spent nights at my cousin’s.
Uncle K and I went to a shopping mall to do some shopping. Lately, I am crazy about Assam Black Tea Latte from Starbucks. I wonder if you have the same menu in the US.
We stopped by at cake shop to get some desert after dinner. And we left to Kyoto. In a car, we talked a lot about what’s going on lately. We have so much to catch up. I love talking with uncle K.
After we got to Kyoto, we picked up my grand ma and went to a small Chinese restaurant. They are all yummy!! It is nice to spend time with family. Slow but fulfilled Saturday.
Crazy Uncle I have lunch every Tuesday and Friday with my sister. Today, we went to Italian restaurant and had garlic spaghetti, and we both got really stinky…
I had a rough day today at work. We had a presentation but my partner screwed, and my boss got really mad, so I could not go home early. I had to go home early since my uncle was at my parent’s home with my sis. My sis cooked for my uncle and me. I had dinner while they were watching me eating since they had already finished eating. After my dinner, we all decided to go to Karaoke.
Guess how long we sang. We sang for two and a half hour. We went home at midnight. What a bad family! I am so sleepy but it worth! We had such a good family time.
Drinking Night It was such a busy busy day today. I had to do patrol our factories today. It started from 10AM to 2PM. And I had big meeting from 2PM to 5PM. I had to excuse the meeting for 20 minutes to attend another meeting from 4PM. And I went fo a business dinner from 5PM to 8PM. We had pork dishes. I was tired but the people we took for dinner were quiet tonight and I had to talk. So I tried really hard, but my talk was not that good tonight, and I realized that I was bad during the dinner, so I drunk. I thought if I got drunk I would get better speaker. But it did not work. I was just drunk.
I supposed to meet my frined at my apt, but I was too drunk so I canceled it. Ahhh, wine easily fuck me up...
Hungry It was a nice fine day today. I went to lunch for research healthy food today. It was a buffet style with all healthy food. It was just $10 US for one hour with 40 different menu. We were so satisfied and full, but at around 4 in the evening, we both got so hungry. They were really healthy food, I guess.
I had so much to do, but at the same time, it was a slow day today. I finished working quite early. I was planning to go to bed right away, and so excited about it, but I was more hungry. So I called my friend Mittaka and we decided to go out to drink at a restaurant next to my apt. I had not drunk for about a week, so I got drunk easily. I am so sleepy. Somehow, it is getting a hard work for me to open my PC after work. I need to SLEEEEEP.
My Feet hurt!! It had been cold lately. But today was a fine sunny day. I went to sales with my co-worker to Kobe by car. I got lost and it was like a small drive-date. It was fun. We talked a lot about our new project.
After work, I went to Hula lesson. We are not ready for our stage yet, but it is getting funner and funner. I realized that I got so many bruises on my body today at Hula lesson when I changed my clothes. The day before yesterday, I was talking on the phone with my friend and I wanted to do my laundry at that time. I tried to reach a washing machine, but there was a code between me and the wasing machine. I was trapped by the code and fell really really hard. Now my toe pinky got puffed, and has bruises more than you can see from this picture. I got another bruises on my leg, heel and arm. The bruises on my heel is the worst. Hard to walk with my high heels at work...
By the way, I made a decision. I e-mailed the company in the US and told them that I would get that job. But I have not talked with my parents and now they are in Hawaii. What can I day?
Sleepy Monday My week has started hardly. I had some appointments for our new possible project, traditional Chinese herb sweets. I went for sales for Internet company, visited Chinese medecine place, and so on. For lunch, I went to an Organic cafe and had this dish. It was good. I feel myself that I am getting healthy because of our projects.
I came home at midnight tonight. I had so much things to do. Tired... Tomorrow is the day I have to make a decision.
How come Ameicans can do stupid thing!? But they are funny. I would say American and Japanese are so different. We are look so silly by Americans, but for me, Americans are silly!! I love watching American dramas and now I watch Ally MaBeal and ER. I know that they are old, but I can watch them for free so I watch. I love Barry White Dance. And I found this on Youtube. How much free time they have to film this!! LOL And what more funny is that they were not the only one to film themselves dancing Barry Whilte Dance. Hahaha.
Tonight, I went to Kushikatsu with my Uncle. Yummmy!! After dinner I cleaned my room very hard with watching dramas. Love Sunday! I was not busy at all, so I could film myself dancing Barry White Dance:)
Favorite People and good Food Two years has passed since my favorite grandpa passed away. Wow, time goes really fast. I remember that I wrote about him on this blog when he passed away two years ago. It is snowing pretty hard today in Kyoto. I like snow actually, though.
We were shivering and prayed for my grandpa with my favorite uncle Koji! Yes, my uncle K is now in Japan!!
We had a great Kyoto style French with my grandma, my parents, my uncle and my sis. Look how tiny the each plate is! The picture above is French style Oden.
This is a desert dish. Crape with Ice cream.
I came home to work. Crap, snoopy company in the US are taking two days vacation. I could not finish my work for approving for our new packaging design… Damn it!!!
I woke up at his apt. How awkward is that? I could not get enough sleep last night and I did not have enough time to get ready for work. Anyway, that's all my fault so what can I say? I felt a little ashamed...
Anyway, I went to work and did lots of work, I went to eat with all our board of directors tonight. It was fun, but I did not have any power left to go out to drink with them after dinner. So ended up to come home early and will get enough sleep.
Well, before sleep, I have to think what I was thinking...
Popular Restaurant in Tokyo I am in Tokyo as my first visit in 2009. I went there becuase I had to see our designer who troubled me... After work, I went to a restaurant which Katsu introduced me. Since I want to make traditional chinese herb sweets, I have been researching chinese herb. This is a famous menu at the restaurant. I called up Chika and two of us had dinner and enjoyed nice dinner and girl's talk.
As you can see, they are very healthy. But both of us got satisfied and got really full. Most of the customer were ladies. Since Chika and I are both in food industry, we tried to figure out how much they make money by doing this business. It was fun to think this kind of stuff. We figured that theier net profit is really high because of their material, menu, employees and so on.
It was expensive, but they were good. I would go there again.
Our Family Short Trip To Kyoto I went to Fushimi Inari (shrine for business success) in Kyoto today. I did not go to work because this is for work, sort of. It was quite a good exercise. Lots of stairs.
When we got to the top of the mountain, my mom wrote our company name on this small lucky shrine to wish a luck. Our family have done this even for more than 60 years. But actually this was my second experience, still have not remember what we supposed to do at this shire. There were so many rules and things to do.
My sis and I wore so much clothes because it was such a cold day and especially on a mountain. Climbig a mountain is my least favorite thing to do. It is hard, and I don't see the point why we had to do. But today there was a clear purpose to climb the mountain so I did and felt good.
My mom and dad walked in front of us all the time. Looking at them talking made me really happy. Today ended up my happy family day.
i consulted an oracle. I had the best one, which says "Toward to the Best Luck" It says I should choose the way it looks more difficult, so that I will be successful. Well, god which one are you talking about? Working at new company in America? Or continuing to work at my dad's company? Both will be difficult, though...
Stopped by at Sushi place on the way back. I found California rolls, sort of.
It was so nice to be away from work and do this kind of thing with my family. I got exorcized and now I will be fine.
Lunch At Westin Hotel Luckily I got $200 worth certificate for food at Westin Hotel. I wanted to encourage my assistants so I decided to take four of them to have lunch at hotel. Everybody got so excited about it. It was a gorgeous lunch. We have buffet appetizer, soup of today, choice from main courses and buffet deserts. It was tons of food!! We had great talks there, and even a customer who ate alone next us joined our conversation.
After lunch we all went back to work hard. That’s pretty much about it today.
I will go to temple to exorcize (drive out an evil spirit) with my family. My parents go to the temple every year to pray for business, but this year, I decided to go there with them to exorcize. It says that 30 year-old women in Japan have unlucky years for 3 years. This year will be the first year. So before nothing bad happens, I have to go to temple. It may sound weird, but this is what all of us do in Japan.
Ahhhhh, I am so sleepy today. So ready to go to bed already…
I Am Too Goofy I did not do much today. I have to reconsider how to spend my day-off. I should not be lazy like this, otherwise, I will go crazy and stupid. So I went to my favorite glasses store and asked to fix one of my glasses. And went a little shopping. And had this Sukiyaki dinner.
I e-mailed the company who gave me an offer letter. I asked them a couple things. I am still thinking what to do. I want to take the offer so badly, but still there are a couple issues. Like me not talking with my dad, less salary than I get now, and so on. After I get a reply from them, I will make a decision. I hope they would not feel annoying that I asked them so many questions, that’s something I am so worried. We’ll see…
Seminar At Hotel I had a seminar today. Before the seminar, there was a concert of piano and violin. It was really great. I attended with my sis and had lunch. We wanted to have lunch at Westin hotel which we had a seminar, but all the restaurant was full so we had lunch at a local place close by.
The seminar was about “women get fat, but you always can loose weight.” It might sound weird, but it was really for work. We leaned about nutrition. Mostly those are something I leaned at school at DU, but it helped me remembering what I learned. It was interesting, but the guy who gave us a lecture had a bad mouth. I mean he used all bad words, and sounded too aggressive. Which made me regret how I talked with the lawyer last night. I usually don’t use bad words, but sometime I can’t help! But he, the lecture guy, reminds me of how people feel uncomfortable listening bad words…
Sleeping Under The Table I suppose to go to work today, but could not figure out if the office was opened, I asked someone to send fax to my parent’s office and did my work at my parent’s house. My mom just got home from Korea and caught a cold. Seeing someone who has a cold made me sleepy. So I took a nap with my dog, Darch. We always sleep underneath of a dining table because there is a heater underneath of this carpet. I feel so peaceful to sleepy by holding my little dog Darch.
Oh, here is an update about the lawyer I yelled at. (I stopped writing bad words, by the way) He called my landowner and asked them to make me call him. I really did not feel like to calling him, but I did cuz I did not want to be rude. He said he wanted to apologize. He said, “I wanted to say sorry again. I understand that you tried not to hit my car. And I also saw the note you left for the person who is the owner of the car you scratched. I felt guilty so badly. I will sincerely take my part of responsible.” Wow… I also apologized him about my attitude and told him my excuse that I was exhausted at that night. I would not ask him anything more. I think he was nice enough to tell me how he felt after the incident. The only thing I concerned is that he asked my name. Now he knows which apt I live. It bothers me cuz I live by myself. He was nice but at that night, I was totally a bitch… Oh boy…
I got really really frustrated today because of a stupid designer we use, who has never turn in his project on time. I was really upset and exhausted by staying at office till so late at night. And then!!!! When I got my apt, I saw a big car parking in front of my parking spot. I tried to park my car, but there was not really enough space. But I had to try hard cuz otherwise I could not get home. And then!!!! I hit a car next to me. I was so ready to call police and ask them to tow the car in front of me (Not the car I hit). I did not have to hit the car if the stupid big expensive car was not there, you know?
I was going to take a picture of the number plate, then a man came down. Me: “Is this you car?” Lawyer: “Yeah, so?” M: “It was really hard to park my car because you parked your car here. And I hit someone’s car. I think you also should take this responsibility. Can I have your number? It is prohibited to park a car here.” L: “Sure, I will give you my business card. I am a lawyer by the way. So I know this is not my responsibility.”
I got so upset that he mentioned that he was a lawyer. Also he said, “Can I try driving your car by having my car here? I don’t think it is so difficult.” Believe me, our parking lot is really small, especially my space! So I said, “Man, you are f*ck’n lawyer right? Haven’t you seen an upset person like me now? You must be f*ck’n smart, so you should f*ck’n know how to treat this kind of upset person, bitch! I understand that you don’t have to take any responsibility, but you can at least apologize.” Lawyer can do anything if it would not be illegal?? I don’t think so.
He said, “Yes, I am sorry” Me: “Huh??? I am sorry???” Lawyer: “I apologize. Really…”
There were more conversation. I talked really rude and really upset. He thought that he was just unlucky to see me there. Now I kinda know that I was unreasonable for him. But now I feel better that I could yell at bad person as much as I wanted. Oh! Is this why that I can’t get married?? Oops… I will talk with my landowner tomorrow to figure out who is the owner of the car I hit. I gotta pay for fixing it. Uhhhhhh.
Busy Busy Partying Day I woke up and realized that I had to go to work 30mn before. I rushed myself and left home. We went one place and listened our company principal for year 2009 from CEO, my dad. I was very moved and felt guilty that I am going to leave him soon to get another job.
AND after that, I worked on all paper work for 30 min and left for a meeting. It was monthly Board of Directors' Meeting. It was so long like from 9:30 to 16:30...
After meeting, I worked on my desk for 30min and attended another meeting. AND left to a party. It was employee's new year party. We went to an Italian restaurant. They did not serve enough so after the party I went to eat with 14 of sales people from Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya, and Hokaido branch. They were all men, but I did not feel myself that I was the only girl there. They were all frank and we get along. How come I am not a member of sales team??
We talked till so late and I caught the last train, better than taking cab by missing last train. Gotta work tomorrow, so I should not drink till this late anyways... Well, but it was the funnest company party ever!!
Like today, I feel that I was glad to work for this company.
Love Me Just The Way I Am This is quiche we made. It was a pretty efficient day today at work, I guess. I had lunch with my sis to talk about my offer letter. Yes, I got an offer letter from the company which I got job. Now I know how much I get paid from the company. But still I am thinking what I should do. Anyway, I wanted to show the offer letter to my sis, but my dad came to the same restaurant to have lunch and ended up to eat together. I had been nervous whole time. Kinda weird, huh? My dad finished eating before we finished do he left early and my lunch was on him, Yay! After he left my sis and I had a god conversation. So nice to have sister whom I can talk to anything.
I went to Hula lesson after work. And after Hula, I had lunch with my good friend, Shinsuke. We talked like forever. He is like my girlfriend. Feel comfortable to hang out with him
Today, I got to know the fact that one guy talked about me that I was the guy’s overcapacity. What is that meaning? He said he is not good enough to take care of me. I mean, how come people judge like that without know me? That’s weaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!! First of all, I am not asking you to take of me!, we are not that relationship! I listen, but I have my opinion, and what is so wrong about it? I am not a girl who agrees everything what men talk. If I can agree, I say so, but if I can’t, I can’t agree and tell my opinion. I am not that smart, but I can’t act like a stupid person either. I am not that rich, but I save money to buy what I want. People see me that I am so strong and say that I look like that I can live all by myself. I AM NOT!!! Of course I want to rely on someone. I am not saying that I wanted to go on a date with him, but I just got shocked that he even did not try knowing me and judged me like that! That’s not nice! He even did not know me much. We just talked a bit!!! He just got my background info from someone and judges from little work conversation! I am upset. Still Japanese men don’t understand how working women live this society!!
I talked about this tonight, and I was told that this is why people think that I am too strong. People told me that I should not get upset like this, cuz it looks me too aggressive person. Well, should I be girly girly from now on? Hell no, I can’t!! I will find someone who will understand me and love me just the way I am.
I haven't felt super good lately. Maybe becuase I have neglected my health lately. I just don't feel like doing anything. Maybe because I have too much to think about. I still have stomachache and my back hurts pretty badly. It's been like more than week, so I think it is time for me to go to hospital. How come I am so weak? I am sensitive in a bad way.
I talked with a lot of people on the phone or on Internet today. I am such a lucky person to be surrounded by lots of nice people. I feel myself that I am not alone by talkin with them. Sometimes I feel lonely, and I guess today was the day.
Gotta Make A Decision My sis got home late last night so I ended up not to go to her apt last night. I went to bed early instead. So I went to my sis’s today for lunch. This is what she cooked for my lunch.
After I hung out with my sis, I went to have dinner with my old student. He just started working from last April, and felt weird to see him in suit. So nice to get a phone call from students I used to teach like this. We had Monjya Yaki and went to bar as always. Lately, I think I am addicted to drink, not alcoholic though, I enjoy drinking.
Today I got e-mail from the company. Yes, I got the job. Now I am nervous. Should I really take this opportunity?? I just can’t see myself being in that company for good, but this would be a great opportunity for my future career. I still have not talked with my dad, and when I think about it, I get stomachache. I will get some advice whom I trust and will think about it for a while… I won’t rely on fortune teller this time!!
Will I Have A Baby Someday?? I went to Kobe to see my friends from college. Went to Brazilian restaurant which one of our friends works. He just got married last October, and he looked so so happy! His restaurant is pretty cool and it is a buffet style. Look how much I ate. These with lots of meat, which Brazilian waiter cut in front of us. I still have stomachache, but can’t help eating… Why???
Anyway, Mayumi who is still single and I who is also single went to see my friend who came back to our town for vacation with her baby boy. Also my other friend came to see her. It’s been a while since I saw her the last. She took her husband and her little baby. Since we met, it’s been 22 years past, but we are still good friends. It is just weird that most of them now have a family. Look this little guy, how adorable!! I like this age kids but I just could not imagine that I will have a baby like him someday.
Everyone laugh at me holding baby. It seems like being mother is very difficult and lots of work more than I work now. But someday, I will get there. Just can’t imagine now somehow…
It was snowing today in Kobe. On the way back, I stopped by the massage place I always go. Ahhhh, felt really good. Now I am in my apt writing this blog in my bed waiting for my sister comes home. After she gets to her apt, I will go over and stay over her apt tonight.
Dancing Party It was a fabulous night! After work, I was incited to a party as a dancer. I danced Hula at a bar for unknown people. I am not a real dancer, so not sure if we were good, but it seems like they enjoyed our dance. We danced the one we are now practicing for a stage in March. These are members!
After we danced, everyone danced. There was a professional social dancer at the party. Somehow, I danced with the dancer. I always wanted to learn social dance so I was so happy to dance with him.
During we danced, I shouted to my friend, “I got it!” and dancer guy was laughed. I guess I did not get it, but I thought I got it. Well, but enjoying dancing was the best no matter how I dance, right?
After the social dance, Brazilian girls came to the bar to dance! Samba!! Oh my, look at her costume!! Wow... We all danced Samba with them. They were there for like 20 minutes, but I wonder how much they get to paid. They were good by the way of course. It was my first experience to watch samba right in front of me!
What a night! It was so much fun. Now I am ready to learn social dance!
Making Packages These my snoopy projects make me nuts... Too much time that I have to spend for this project. It is fun, but endless. New packaing produced by me. Color Orange, of course!
Not much to write today. I just worked. We are going to renew our products which is for human beings and dogs to eat together. That's why it is hard for us to leave office ealry lately. I was going to go to Gold Gym, but could not as usual. Should I quit the membership of that gym cuz I don't go much.
Anyways, I was a little frustrated today. My boss was really worried about me cuz I looked really frustrated. Don't know why, but I feel that I have too much to do. I should not complain, I know. I gotta get going. I will go to gym for sure tomorrow!!
So I lieten to music which always give me power. Mongol 800!! I love the band!
How Cold I Am... I had a date today. I was so excited about it and looked forward it. The place he took me was really cool and I loved it. Although my stomach was pretty rough and could not eat much, I thought they are very delicious. We had a good time till the end of the dinner.
He is a shy guy, I think, but pretty aggressive to me. We are not even in a relationship, but he talked about the future of us together a lot. I felt weird and uncomfortable about it. He kept telling me what he expects me and what he can do to me. As I wrote last night, he is sweet, but a little too much for me as the beginning.
He had a couple problems. He confess about them to me, like everything, I appreciate that he tried to be honest with me and not to hide anything, but I got scared. After the dinner we went to have a cup of coffee and talked more, but at that time, I did not feel like talking much. I felt that “he was not the one”. I know it is too quick to get the answer, but he wasn’t.
After I got home, I read his blog he mentioned. And I felt guilty... He is such a good guy. I should not have been judgmental like this from what he had told me today. I should have been nice to him till the end… Since when did I become a cold person like this… I hate myself a bit tonight.
Still Having Stomachache This picture is random but a fan I found at our factory. Pretty old but I love this color Orange!! Color orenge make me happy, always!
Today was my first day of work in year 2009. I know there would be a celemony, but I was not sure what time it would be. But I knew that I overslept this morning. So tied my hair up and took my make-up stuff in my car and put my make-up on in my car. Oh thank god, I was just on time!! It was so nice to see all the familiar faces. I worked a lot and attended lots of meetings today like I did not have any vacation. I felt good today, but I am not sure how long this feeling would last...
I keep in touch with the guy from the other night, and I will go on a date tomorrow. Because I said that I still have a bad stomachache from lots of food from New Year's, he said he would take me a place which will release my stomachache. He is such a sweet guy and texts me a lot in a day. I love getting texts, but I have already felt tired of replying to all of them. Not a bad meaning but I am just not used to. Maybe because I have not felt comfortable yet...
Anyway, I went to a nail salon tonight after work. I wanted to go the end of last year, but could not make an appointment. I still have short nails for work, but decided to care them again in clean way.
Uhhhh, I have bad stomachahe now too. Believe or not, last couple of days I only eat one meal. I love eating but now eating makes me vomitting... Oy...
Not Ready For Working I had a headache and stomachache today. Ah how foolish I was to drink that much… I gotta think about my age, I know…
I woke up pretty early although I stayed up late last night, but of course I did not get out from my bed till late afternoon. Now I love watching Ally McBeal. So I am in a bed with surfing intenet and watching American dramas.
Since my grandma is at my parents’ house till tomorrow, I went to my parents’ to have dinner together. We had good time.
Now I have already chosen what to wear tomorrow. I just need to get ready for tomorrow in my mind. Well I have definitely not been ready yet.
I woke up at my sis’s and had breakfast there and watched another “The OC” I love staying at my sister’s apt. Her house is very nice to stay, very comfortable.
This is how I look today. I went to see my friend Shinsuke with Iwasaki-san, who is like my sister. Shinsuke invited me for dinner to introduce his friend. We supposed to meet twice last year, but we could not make it both and finally got to see each other. He used to be a famous American football player and played in the US for three years too. Now he is a coach for a football team. He was half Japanese and looked really cute and such a nice guy. We had such a fun time, so after dinner we all went to my bar, and went to Karaoke till 4 in the morning. I know that I am not that young to stay up this late, but I did… I got drunk, had a headache and am sleepy pretty bad. At the end, he asked me for a date. I am not sure how much similarities we have, but we’ll see. Is he the guy?? Well…
2nd day in 2009. Still haven’t decided my own goal in 2009. I went to shopping with my sister in Kyoto and we all came back to Osaka this evening. And Voila. This is what we had dinner tonight. It is not Japanese traditional new year dishes, but still a lot of good stuff. Ah, I can’t eat, no, I don’t wanna eat anymore.
I went to my sister’s afterwards, and I stayed over at her apartment. I watched American drama, “The OC” till in the morning. How come I can’t stop watching videos once I started?
Hello New Year I appreciate lots of people who support me. Thank to everyone who support me, I could get this new year 2009. We traditionally wear kimono and we have a little family serious new year party in the morning on January 1st. However we decided not to wear kimonos. It is kinda sad, but it was also hassle to wear them only for a couple of hours. We had our morning ceremony with our grandma’s maid who is 96 years old. He hardly hear us now…
After that we went to see our grandma who is in a nursing home. She can’t understand anything, but at least she opened her eyes and saw us. After the visit, we went to shrine as every year, and also went to our office to pray. Then, we drove down to Kyoto to celebrate with my other grandma. She could come to Osaka to celebrate with us but she cared about out dead grandpa and wanted us to come to Kyoto. Now she is thinking to move to Osaka and live close to us. She seems like she was pretty excited about it,
We just kept eating and eating. I love Osechi, Japanese New Year’s traditional dishes. Guess how many items we had at the dinner table? 60, sixty!!! This is the day I feel lucky myself to be born as Japanese.
I was born in Kyoto, Japan. I always wanted to be in the US. After I graduated from Japanese college, finally I went to Denver to get another BA. I moved to SF to work at hotel afterwards. Now I came back to Japan and work for a company in food industry. I do Internet business selling special sweets. I wish I can go back to the US soon.
This blog is my journal, so I keep writing about small stuff happened to me on that day.