Christmas Tree Because of lots of beauty sleep yesterday, I could get up early enough to enjoy my Sunday. Got up and had breakfast with coffee, which is my favorite time of a day. Started decorating Christmas tree and Voila! This is a part I do every year.
Went to my favorite store to buy glasses with my little dog, Dalia by my mom's BMW which will be gone in two days. She will get a new car! I bought two pairs of glasses today. I know, it is too much, but could not help it. I had to wait since they sis not have my lenses at the store today. I will upload my new glasses soon after I recieve them on this blog.
I went to my friend's exhibition tonight with my sis. He is one of my good friends since I was 14. He traveled South and Central America; Latin America by himself and took so many nice pictures. I was so happy to see him tonight since I had not seen him for a long time. It was interesting that boys change a lot! He got so mature and becmae a tough guy. Wow...
My sis and I went to Hard Rock Cafe tonight for dinner. Had chicken wings, onion rings, mac&cheese, and french fries. Junk food... Made me miss America!
And went to Karaoke after dinner.
It was such a long fun day today. Did a lot including cleaning and doing laundry. The early bird catches the worm!!
Love Being In Bed Chiristmas is almost there. Thanksgiving was just over and I feel really sad that I missed it… Since I went to Macau last weekend without sleeping whole two days and went out to drink almost every night this weekdays, I really needed to sleep today. I tried to get out of my bed so many times, but could not. I had to go to my parents’ house to decorate Christmas tree this afternoon, but decided to do it tomorrow.
I got up finally, and went to eat dinner with my mom by ourselves. This is menu tonight. Quiche with a pie shell which I am helping producing lately at work.
I just love to be in a bed and sleep like 12 hours sometime. Sleeping makes me so happy. It would be much better if I did not have to feel that I waste a half of the day…
Dinner with Co-Worker I had to take a train to work since I went out to drink last night. I used to take a train every morning, but now it is something I hate. I don't know why but I just got used to driving to work.
As I mentioned, I interviewed a foreigner today. I thought he would be American, but he was actually from Brazil. He spoke pretty good Japanese, but he was not someone whom I was looking for as my assistant. It was interesting to meet through interviewing. He was not the one, but I found the one and she will be working with me from next Monday.
I went out to drink with my co-worker. He used to have my position, but moved to a different department. It had been a while since the last time we talked in person. We went to a restaurant which serves food in Okinawa. It was pretty good. He does not drink much, so I drunk for him. It was fun and so nice to talk with him about a lot of stuff.
Drinking everyday make me be able to hold lots of alcohol.
Lots of Fun I had a busy morning. I interviewed five people to hire my assistant as a part time job. It was interesting to see many kind of people. Housewives, musician, and a guy who just keep doing a part time job... By interviewing many people, I learn a lot. Tommorow, I will have four more people to meet. One will be an American guy, but not sure if he would have visa...
BTW, the picture above is a miniture cherry pie figure. My sis, one of my assistants and I are collecting these figures lately. We have so many tiny sweets figures.
Went out to drink with people who works in food industry and making similar items. They are our competitors, but good to be friends so that we can share the same info. Two sales persons from each company joined. I am always the only one girl at this kind of party. I got used to but sometimes I feel bad for them since I bet they want to do men's talk.
We went to pub after this Korean BBQ place. Sang song in front of people. It was a pub which is owned by a gay boy, who used to be a girl. He (she) told me quite a detail how he turned to a boy from a girl. It was so interesting to talk a lot with him.
I got home just now like 1AM. I will go out to drink again tomorrow night. Hwaaaaaaa, sleepy...
I slept non-stop till this morning. Since I got up too late, I had to take a cab to work…
Had lunch with my sis who just broke up with her boyfriend. Poor my sis who got a childish and selfish boy. I think it was good for her that they broke up. I really wish she would find much better one soon.
I went to Hula lesson only for 30 min since I could not finish working earlier… This is what we are practicing for Hula stage in March. This is someone’s dancing which was on youtube. I am confident that I can dance better than them. Haha.
Had junk food for dinner and now ready to go to bed. Nothing much happened today, just an ordinal day but nice.
Eating and Drinking Whole Day Had lunch with m second father, Maekawa-Kun, my father’s best friend. He takes my sis and I for lunch sometime. Mostly Sushi at fish market. The best Sushi!! Had Sushi a lot and went to café to have coffee and cakes.
Went to back to work, real world… I was sleepy since I ate too much.
After work, I attended birthday party for employees of our company. This time, employees who were born in October or November. This was my fourth time for me to attend. Wow, that means that I have worked for my dad for four years now… It was quiet party but very nice opportunity for me to talk with employees whom I don’t talk usually. Nice. This was a part of our dinner at the party tonight.
After the party, I went to Jazz bar with my assistants and a co-worker. All girls but drunk a lot. Today's band was really nice. 5 of them play Jazz at such a small bar was so great! It was quite a concert. Had an apple salad which the master of the Jazz bar make. It was yummy.
One of my assistants came to apt to spend a night tonight since we drunk till too late to go back her parents' home.
I ate and drunk too much, seriously. How can I go on a diet? But it was such a fun nice day!
Today, I woke up and I went to a seminar about Snoopy. I was late since I misestimate the time. What bad businesswoman… The seminar was mainly for designers who arrange snoopy picture to use for their own packages or items. Therefore, it was lectured by a designer and lectured all about fashion trend in 2009. It was sooooo boring. So many technical words for fashion and I had no idea…
I had business lunch, and after that, I had a little meeting at café. Since that was a casual meeting with my boss, I had parfait, my favorite desert. Since it was a parfait at a tearoom attached to a fruit store, it was different. More delicious than any other parfaits I had. Since the meeting was over quicker than I though, I went to the airport at 4:45. I supposed to take 6 PM flight, but could change to 5PM flight.
I called my mom soon after I got off the airplane, and got to know that my dad was at the airport too. So I called my dad and went to restaurant to meet up to my mom. It was such coincident that my dad took the same flight with me on the same day. I had not talked with my dad for a long time, so it was a nice conscience. He was excited to see me and talked a lot about work. He said, “it was so nice to have you at dinner tonight. Sooo nice to see you tonight.” I was so surprised to hear that, since he has not said such a thing for years!! We had Okonomiyaki and icecream.
Oveall, it was a nice day. I could go home early enough and could get relaxed!
Tokyo Again, Damn It!! I went to work to my Osaka office to take care of my assistants. Had a meeting for my project. This is Organic Roll-cake (Swiss Roll) with black beans for human beings and dogs to eat together. Still arguing if this is good enough for new item. Anyway had a meeting in Osaka and had work a bit at Osaka office.
I had to take 2PM flight for Tokyo, but since the meeting was too long, so I missed it. So took 3PM flight and went to Tokyo office. One of the reasons why I went to Tokyo tonight was to see my friend who works for Accenture, Consultant Company. I have known her since I went to University of Denver. It had been a while since the last time I saw her, but she could not make it. So I worked till late at Tokyo office and went to drink with co-workers of Tokyo Sales Department. It was nice to go out to drink some of them.
Stayed at small hotel room. I hate sleeping on a hard small bed. I wish I could sleep on my bed tonight. That’s the only reason why I hate to come to Tokyo on business this often…
First of all, this is such a good song I listen to these days, title "Continue".
I wanted to take an early flight to Osaka this morning, but got a text from my boss 6 in this morning. He goes, “Go to one convention if you’d like”. If you’d like???? No, I wouldn’t! So I text him back, “I will go if this is your order, otherwise, I would like to go back to my office in Osaka” Of course, he made me go. I don’t mind to go to convention, but I just did not like the idea that my boss did not tell me earlier. I have planed for a day everyday, so I don’t like to be messed up like this…
I was at a convention for a couple of hours, and saw two iron chefs, Sakai and Ochiai. They are both skinnier than I saw on TV. They looked around the convention and came to our booth too. It was funny to see that everyone treated them like GOD.
Took a flight home and work at my office. Since I have to go to Tokyo tomorrow again, it would be much better to stay there. However, I could not, because I have to take care of my department. Finally, recently I feel responsible for my department.
There were couple more reason why I came back to Osaka. My bed and hula lesson! Had a good lesson tonight.
Cry and Laugh I went to work at Tokyo office today. When I happened to see my old classmate from college at my friend’s meeting, we scheduled to see each other again in Tokyo. His dad died when he was college and now his mom is running business. He is taking over the family business, and I thought we have similarities. We had lunch and talked for c couple hours. He was not a smart guy but really really nice and kind but quiet guy. We barely talked each other since we take almost all the same classes. It has been like 8 years since the last time we hang out but we decided to hang out more from now on. I thought boys change dramatically by their job!! After nice chat with my friend, I went to see a famous consultant. He was really strict and gave me so many advices to me. I shouldn’t have, but I cried in front of him. I was scared, and I got shocked and, and , and… I just could not help crying. I have no longer have a people who tell me the truth or strict thing to me. Very spoiled only because I am a daughter of CEO. Probably I cried because I was happy to meet unusual business person who gave me honest opinion face to face. I really appreciate him now.
This is a party I went tonight. A birthday party for a guy who takes care of me really well lately, and also one more guy who is CEO of a fashion brand, who is on the picture above. The guy on the left is a famous guy in music world. I would say all Japanese know him. It was a crazy party. Lots of model, Miss Universe, Miss something, and so on. I felt I was such a short shorty litlle girl. There were so many celebrities at the party. Tokyo is crazy, and I can’t believe that my life is getting change like this.
After the party, I went to go out to drink with my friend. After drinking more, we went to eat Ramen (noodle) at 2 in the morning. Uhhhh, I shouldn’t…
Lots Going On in Gunma We woke up early and Ayako drove me to palm reader. I went to see a fortuneteller in July or August and had a really bad experience. At that tie the fortuneteller yelled at me and told me what I did not want to hear. However, when I think about it now, she was not that wrong. Actually some of things she told me at that time really happened to me now. Anyway, I was so afraid of going to see a palm reader, but she said he was good so I decided to go. Actually he is a Buddhist priest. He was not a strict one at all. Some of the stuff he told me surprised me but interesting. He wrote out lines on a hand and explained. He could read my palm and see that I am wondering which of three ways I should go now, to keep working for my dad, changing job, or going to the US. Of course he could not tell me what exactly I was wondering about, but he could see that I was wondering among three things. See? The three lines on my hand. (One with a ring) He explained everything and I understood everything. What he told me actually encouraged me. I don’t rely on him, and don’t believe in everything what he said, but keep what he said in mind would help me, I think. He said that I am going to get married next year and will have 3 kids, 2 girls and 1 boy. He was confident about it, so we’ll see, hahaha.
Ayako and I went to a department store and took a picture in heart. I don’t know what it was but seems like it was a photo spot, so we took a picture.
On the way back to Ayako’s house, we had bread with Miso, which is bread famous for Gunma. It was yummy!! Also we had chocolate, almond and banana crape. We ate too much.
And after we went back I had dinner with Ayako’s family again. This is a picture which Ayako took. Me with Boo. I left Ayako’s at 10 in this evening and took a bullet train to Tokyo for tomorrow. I have work in Tokyo tomorrow again. Now I am in a business hotel washing TV. What a nice weekend I had! Ready to go to work tomorrow.
Tokyo and Gunma Trip I just got back from Tokyo to home yesterday morning, but I left home to Tokyo again early this morning. It is just one-hour flight from Osaka to Tokyo, but still it is a lot of work for me. I put all my stuff in a locker at the station in Tokyo. Since I am not good at remembering which “coin locker” I used, I took a picture to remember where.
I had to help with exhibiting at food expo in Tokyo. It was actually fun though. It was hard to stand from 9:00 to 5:30 whole time, but I could talk with many people and fun to sell cakes I produced. There were not many sales women or talkative girl who has strong Osaka accent, so I became pretty famous at the convention center. This picture is one of products we exhibited at the expo. Tarts for Quiche, very good stuff.
After this expo, I took a bullet train to Gunma to see my friend, Ayako. She is one of my good friends whom I have known since I went to DU. And this is “Boo”, a pug she has. What a cute doggie.
Gunma is sort of countryside of Japan, so pretty different from Osaka or Tokyo. People, landscape, food and culture are different, and it is a part I like to visit there. Ayako’s family is so nice and warm. They serve so much food at dinner whenever I visit. Tonight, Ayako’s brother’s family, Ayako’s friends were there too. 9 of us had dinner all together and it was like a party. Ah, I ate too much again till midnight. Uhhhh bad for my health but it was such a nice night.
Fun Last Day of A Week I got up at 6 am and left my hotel soon after without putting on makeup. I just needed to catch the first flight to go back to Osaka. After arriving at Osaka, I went back to my apt and took shower and got ready. And went to Umeda to meet up with my sis and had lunch with her. This is a place where my sis had lunch all the time when she was a high school student. Memorable place foe her, but the food was just okay.
Since I went to work after lunch, there were tons of stuff to do. However, I did not finish everything and left work early to have dinner with my friends from Hula lesson. This is my dessert plate, banana with FIRE!! Cool, huh?
It was such a fun dinner with them. We were not that close last year, but gradually we are getting good friends. All of us have different work, different life and different dream, so it is nice to get together and talk about many things. I took a train so we all got drunk and had such a good time. I feel that I am so lucky to be able to hang out with so many kinds of friends!
I went to work in Osaka this morning. I called American Bank Company to fight about my late fee. Although I explained something was wrong because I have made full payment the last time I paid, they did not admit. I talked with manager, but nothing changed, so I closed my credit card. They were really automatic, so the manager explained really fast about what would happen when I close the credit card. It did not sound that he was human being… I asked the manager to speak slowly and then he spoke like a robot!! What a jerk…
I took a flight in this afternoon to Tokyo. I went to an office about our Organic margarine. Our organic margarine will be on TV commercial with famous coffee in Japan. The famous coffee company wanted to use our organic margarine as gifts for their campaign for 400 people. That’s really good news for us! After that I went to attend a special dinner for women who manage a company in food industry in Japan. I was the youngest and I was so nervous when I had to introduce myself in front of 30 people. Guest speaker was a big star in Japan and Taiwan. She is an actress and singer, who is a good friend with Jackie Chan. Too bad that I could not take picture of her. I was not brave enough to do it because I am the youngest girl there. I learned a lot from lots of elder women. It was such a great opportunity for me.
I forgot to bring contact lenses and had to wear these red glasses today. They might not be appropriate for the business dinner… These women are smart great people, but some were like high school girls although they were 50s. Some talked to me and spoke ill of others… I hope they would not speak ill of me because of these crazy glasses…
This is a view from my hotel tonight. Nice view, huh?
*Song which made me feel better since I was teenager.
It was not a good day since it started. Yeah, it happens sometime. Things don't go like how I want...
I don't understand why I am the one who always have to decide what to do. I hate it. They should know how hard to make decisions all the time. I feel kinda lonlely today and I feel empty somehow. So listening this music made me feel better.
There was one good thing, though. I got an appointment for an interview to get a new job. It seems like my resume passed the first step! Very excited to e interviewed since it's been a while since the last time I was interviewed for job hunting. I have to see if I can get enough salary and get a job I really want at the company. We'll see. The interview will be on December 3rd. Excited.
Tired. Need to sleep. I will go to Tokyo on business for a night from tomorrow. It will be a good day tomorrow, I hope.
Lots of Discussion Ahhh, it was a busy day today. Lately I go to work early every morning, and I am getting used to get up early. Before noon, I had such a loooong discussion/argument with my boss. I had so many things I wanted to tell him. I know I should not have, cuz telling everything directly to boss is not a thing Japanese old people like. Just could not help it because he has not been willing to communicate with me!! At the end he asked me about my future if I am going to take over the company. He asked me the same question hundreds time!! I got really upset and told him to leave me alone. I don’t want to have colleagues like me… Poor my boss.
The picture is one I took for a paper to turn in to a store which bought our product. These are our cheesecakes which human-beings and dogs can share.
This is how we pack our products to cardboard box. It is very strict that we had to turn in this kind of picture to show how we make our products…
I was very looking forward to going to Hula lesson, but I could not. Today was the day I forget so many things. I forgot to meet someone, ask something, do something and make something. What happened to me!?
I was expecting to interview someone for a part time job for my department. He was a guy who was born on exact the same day and year as my birthday. However, he did not show up. I can’t believe how rude people are sometime.
Since I could not go to Hula lesson because of my overtime work, after work I went to a small local place to eat and drink. Hula was much better… I will definitely go to gym tomorrow to get rid of stress!
With Nice People I am drunk tonight again. I can’t hold much alcohol, so I did not drink much before. However, I love drinking lately. I enjoy drinking, and I feel really good when I am drunk.
It was a busy day today, but I felt comfortable. One of my assistants caught a cold and was absent from work. To be absent from work on Monday is the worst thing to do. Lack of moral as a businessperson.
I had Indian lunch today again. I like the Indian restaurant which is close to my office, which is run by Indian people. Today's curry was Pumpkin curry. Not that good, unfortunately..,
We got a new girl to my department, so we had a welcome party tonight. All my assistants came to my town since we all live aloes each other. We went to Japanese restaurant in Toyonaka.
We forgot to take a picture, so some of us who went home by my car took a picture at a parking lot. Nothing behind… One of my assistants drove my car and took me home. How lucky I am to have nice and cute assistants!
What!? Because of my health situation, I have been sleepy whole day today. I supposed to do some work at home today, but just kept sleeping most of the day. Last night, I was thinking I forgot something, but could not figure out what. I forgot to go to my friend’s wedding party. He was not my close friend, but I should have gone, but I totally forgot about it…
I went to a place where I can receive Shiatsu. My stiff shoulders are pretty bad. He has given me massage for many years. While I was getting massage, I realized that the music at the place were Christmas songs. I was like, “Already Christmas??” He said, “Yeah, I wonder what kind of music we will listen in December” Wow…. Time goes really fast.
And I went to have a cup of coffee at Starbuck tonight. My favorite, Hazelnut latte with non-fat milk. And this! Christmas version cup! Starbucks Christmas cup always make me miss America. It is getting a time for me to go to the US.
Aight, I should got to bed now. I will get up early and go to work to cover my work which I supposed to do today.
*This is CM in Japan I kinda like now. This song is funny! I attended such a long meeting today!! However, I never got to be sleepy, since it was such an interesting and very meaningful meeting. It was not boring at all, but good one.
Recently, people who hang out with me talk about sex. I don’t want anybody to think that this is nasty entry, though. I though it was interesting that lots of people care about sex and get worried about it and talk about it. One lady whom I talked at bar till late the other night told me that her marriage life is now sexless. She asked me how often we need to have sex. Well, it was a hard question. What is sexless? Once a month? Once a year?? Since I believe that I am still young and also I am not married, I would say that I get worried when it comes once every 2 weeks, maybe. She was nervous about her sex life and she said she would discuss with her husband after we talked.
The other day other guy, whom I had dinner with, said he is no longer interested in making love with his wife. He is only like 38 years old. Since they got baby, he had never made love with his wife, not even held her hand!!! That IS sexless, well… more than that. That’s crazy. He said his wife is happy about it, but I can’t believe it. It might sound like high school kids' conversation, but somehow lots of poeple talk about sex problem around me lately...
I think sex is important for keeping a good relationship, cuz I think it is a part of communication. There are lots of people that sex is just for fun because of people’s sexual reasons, but those people who talked to me recently were serious about it. They did confess about it to me when only they were drunk because they have cared about it deeply inside. Poor guys… When I think about it, matching with partner is difficult…
Lots of Tasting I had been so tired today. I know it is not good, but I had definitely been in a bad mood at work. Such a busy day as well. I had to attend a meeting half a day as a representative of R&D department. We had couple things wrong last month, so I had to apologized to everyone at the meeting…
I was tired because I had a hangover from last night. I need to sleep…
I ate so much today. Lots of tasting and big dinner with my colleagues. It was so much fun to eat many kinds of Organic lunch boxes for tasting. All of them were pretty good. We had those for our lunch and discussed about these. This is time I feel that my job is fun.
Tomorrow, I have to attend a meeting for Board of Directors. I wish I could sleep in tomorrow, but I can’t… Damn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Fun Work I got up really early for morning meeting this morning. Worked really hard. However, during my work, I wrote my resume and turned in to travel agency. I am not sure if I want to change this current job, but I wanted to know if I am acceptable person for other companies. It was kind of fun to review my life to write my resume.
I had a business dinner with my co-worker and also one more person who works in the same industry but at the different company. I like both of them. Although it was a business dinner, but I had a really good time and it was fun. I was a person who had to arrange this dinner. So I took them to a restaurant which is next to my apt. After dinner I took them to my bar. They liked both of them and they got really drunk. Once they got drunk, it means I did enough. After I see them drunk, I got releaved and I started drinking and now I got drunk.
Since I am so drunk now, I had a piece of Japanese pear. It is a huuuuuuge Japanese pear, which my sister got from a boy. Very expensive one. Tasty.
Need to sleep. I hope I would not get hangover tomorrow...
I was so moved by Obama’s winning speech. Congrats on Obama! I have wanted him to be President not as Japanese, but as a girl who used to live in the US. Since America is getting messed up, I wanted someone to change, since I love America. I am not American, but I was so moved by his speech and really expect him to change America. At the last minute, suddenly, I wasn’t sure if he would win but McCain would. Now I am excited but a little scared how America would change. Anyway, his speech was sooo great. We bet on this election. Of course I bet on Obama, and after we got this news at work in this afternoon, we were all excited and repeated, “Yes, we can. Yes, we can.” Just for fun. But seriously, our department needs changes, and yes, we can! I am looking forward to seeing how America would change from now on.
This is my outfit today. Nowadays I love wearing one-piece dress. Ahhhh, my room is so messy… I went to gym and did pilates. It was soooooo hard… I had not been to gym for a while, but I will try going there often from today. Promise…
Love Indian Food Had Indian food for lunch with my sis today. A restaurant which is owned by Indian people. I love to go to Indian restaurant in Japan. It is not too spicy but just right for me. Lunch time is faorite time for me in a day. Recently, I love talking with my sis at lunch time We have so much to talk with.
I could go to take a Hula lesson today. I feel really really good now.
Thinking Many Things I stayed at my parents’ last night, and could sleep in pretty well. I had a big breakfast and this is lunch my mom made for me. My favorite noodle. A housekeeper, who has come to my parents’ house since I was an elementary school student, told me secret today. She was like, “I always can tell if you came for dinner the last night or not every week by looking at dishes. Not because more dishes than usual but there are more nice dishes when I am there for dinner.” I knew that my mom cooks all my favorite dishes whenever I am there, but I did not know that she cares about the dishes for me too. I felt appreciated to my mom again.
We went to a department store to get clothes for funeral. Actually, doctor told my parents that my grandma would die pretty soon. It could happen this weekend, but seems like she is now better. I needed clothes for funeral, so my mom took me to the store. It might sound cruel to prepare for grandma’s death, but I had to. In Japan, people judge family members at funeral, especially if the person related to a company. Too complicated to explain here, but in short, people don’t come to pray for the dead people but to see their family. It would be sad to see my grandma’s death, but at the same time I want to let her go because she is too sick.
I went to Spa today after the shopping. I have a cold so I shouldn’t, but I wanted to get relaxed. I talked with a girl who game me a treatment a lot today, which I usually don’t. She gave me many impressions of me and asked me many questions, which also she does not do usually. It was interesting to hear how other people see me. She told me about her own dream too. Somehow I got encouraged by her today and got relaxed physically and mentally.
Had dinner, did laundry and cleaned my room. Today was a national holiday in Japan, an extra day-off for me. I gotta got to work earlier than usual and will work hard tomorrow. I have already decided what to wear. I am kind of excited to go to work tomorrow. Hope it will be a good day tomorrow!
Relaxing But Tiring Sunday Since I passed out at like 10 last night, I woke up at 6 in this morning. All the light and TV were on whole night, which happens to me often. I got freaked out once cuz I thought I had to get ready to go to work, but soon I realized that it was Sunday! I went back to sleep, but kept being up every 30 minutes, so I decided to get up at 8.
I started working at home with drinking caramel tea. I got this teapot lately, so I was happy to make good tea. As I am schedule to give a presentation to my boss, father, today, I had to get ready for it. It sounds weird to give a presentation to my father on Sunday, but since he has been pretty busy, today was the day. The presentation I have been working on is something I am very interested in and I am confident with, so it is not that stressful.
Okay, so I gave a presentation. It went okay, just okay. He liked it, but it was not perfect, of course. Recently, I feel that my father is no longer is my father. He is more like my boss 24/7. He used to manage being father AND boss, but it seems like getting difficult for him. I feel that if he won’t be my father but only my boss, I don’t want to work for him… Anyway, after the presentation, my sister came to our parents’ house, and took me for shopping. She bought my these pair of CROCS shoes. These are winter version. I had never had CROCS, so I am happy to get them. My sis got the same pair of shoes by herself too.
This is a key chain I made and I got from my sis as my birthday from CROCS store. Isn’t this cute? I love it.
My family held my birthday party today at home. Finally my dad said “Happy Birthday” to me. Kinda late, but still I was happy. Thanks, Dad.
Oh My Voice... Since I went to bed like 4 in the morning, it was so hard to get up today. I wonder how I managed to update my blog last night with that drunk. I went to work today and talked with people, but everyone said that my voice is messed up because of too much alcohol everyday. They teased me saying I am alcoholic. Of course not, I have a bad cold!!
I worked at my office by myself so so much work had done and felt good. After work, went to spa and so ready to go to bed at 8 tonight.
BTW, this is a picture of an entrance of my apt. I heard entrance is the most important place. So I guess I have to clean this place a little bit more...
I was born in Kyoto, Japan. I always wanted to be in the US. After I graduated from Japanese college, finally I went to Denver to get another BA. I moved to SF to work at hotel afterwards. Now I came back to Japan and work for a company in food industry. I do Internet business selling special sweets. I wish I can go back to the US soon.
This blog is my journal, so I keep writing about small stuff happened to me on that day.