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Freezing Spring in Tokyo

Since I attended my friend’s wedding yesterday, I decided to stay a night and work in Tokyo today before I go back to Osaka.
I went to Snoopy café in Yokohama, which was just opened a couple days ago.
It was horrible café.
I can’t believe that they charge 15-20 average per person with nasty cold food.
They just used snoopy plates and cups, but other than that, nothing was snoopy!!
Also the operation was horrible.
I was thinking that I would do much better if I were the owner of this café…
Today it was really really cold rainy day for walking around.
So I went back to Tokyo soon after I ate lunch at the café.
I do a job for public relations now.
I had an appointment with a journalist who writes articles on a magazine.
He wanted to write an article about our products for free.
It took one and a half hour interview, and it was actually fun.
I talked the same story about our products so many times, but more I talk, the better I talk, I think.
Well, I think I am quite positive today.
Monday is a day, which I get motivated the most.
I took a bullet train back to Osaka tonight.
I hate taking bullet train.
Cold and long.
Lately, I go on lots of business trips, but the hardest part is the transportation.
There was a guy who snored soooo loud today.
First, I thought,
“Yeah, I understand. You must be tired. You could not help drinking beer in a bullet train as a tiring salary man. That made you snore. Yeah, I understand”
However, after five minutes, since he never stopped snoring, and it was continually and loud, I started frustrating.
I was like,
“I know you are tired, but it is enough!!”
You would not believe, but it was ridiculously loud, which even bored me to sleep.
I wonder if I do the same thing as him.
Well, but it was the loudest ever though…
Happy Wedding Sunday

I woke up early this morning to leave to Tokyo to attend my best friend’s wedding.
I was excited about the wedding, but at the last minute, I started worrying about my dress.
I wasn’t sure if I was wearing the right dress for wedding.
Since I am always late for everything, I was about to be late for the wedding today.
I did not pay attention the schedule on the invitation card I got…
However, I was able to attend the ceremony at a chapel so I felt relived!
Worrying about time is always hassle and makes me tired more than necessary.
I should learn how to be on time someday soon.
Anyway, Masaru’s wedding ceremony was great.
I was so moved at the ceremony.
Somehow I had a weird feeling, hard to explain, but maybe because I was a friend of the groom.
Different feeling from the wedding ceremonies I attended for my girl friends.
Whenever I attend the ceremony at a chapel, I always think that wedding is such a big deal.
There are some couples who never had a wedding, but I think people should do a ceremony even it were a small one.
After the ceremony, we attended their wedding party with having luxury lunch.
The bride, Aki, changed to a pink dress from the wedding dress.
She is such a sweet girl who cares people so much.
I had met her only once before this wedding, but I felt that I would like her a lot.
I feel happy when my friends get married with someone who is nice and someone whom I would be able to get along with.
These people in the picture above are the member of my table at the party.
People who attended his wedding party were global.
All people who were at my table could speak English including the two gentlemen from Germany.
The young guy is SPI, I heard.
We talked about crimes at the wedding.
After the party, more of their friends came to the hotel and had a cocktail party.
I could see some old friends from University of Denver, so it was like a reunion.
Almost all friends I got to know at the school now became great business men/women.
There are so many things I could learn from them and I am lucky that I have so many connections through them now at a business situation.
I was introduced more people who graduated from DU before I entered the school.
We went out to drink after the cocktail party by ourselves with 13 people.
Masaru, groom, joined us at the end and some of us went back to his hotel and had pink champagne at a bar which was located on the highest floor.
Great view and nice champagne!
Today, I drunk and talked so much.
What a good day.
I am glad that I was invited his wedding, and I think I became happy too by seeing the happiest couple today.
Housesitting With Darch

I got up at 10 o’clock like I wished last night.
After I got up, I did not feel like doing anything, so I had been just a lazy person.
When I know that I have to do something, I become such a lazy person who tried to do that much later.
I knew that I should go to my office but I didn’t want to.
So I stated my day from late this afternoon.
I went to work to do some paper work which I could not finish before I went out with my friends last night.
I stated exchanging notes with my assistants.
They turn in a note to let me know what they did on the day, how long it took, what they are going to do on the next day, and any comments what they felt.
They turn in everyday before they leave office, and I write back to them and give them back on the next day.
I wrote back all comments today at office.
I am not sure if this is a good idea or not, but so far it works.
My parents are in Tokyo tonight, so I came to my parents’ house to do house-sitting.
I ate something I found in a refrigerator.
And watched TV with Darch, my little dog.
We got bored and took some pictures.
These are my feet which are still so painful from yesterday.
I am flying to Tokyo tomorrow morning to attend my best friend’s wedding.
Missed My Step

I went to Kyoto to visit one company from this morning.
After I got off from the train, I was talking on the phone about my work, and I did not pay attention to the exit I took.
Once I got out from the station, I realized that I took a wrong exit.
I looked forward while I was talking on the phone then I fell off from my knees.
It was so painful, but I kept talking on the phone, and I bet he did not realized that I fell.
I looked back and saw there was a big step, and realized that I missed my step.
There were so many notes said, “Watch out your step!”, but I did not pay attention at all.
I hung up on the phone and before I made another call, I looked my knees and saw there was a big hole on my pants.
I was shocked and my knee was bleeding so badly.
The worst thing was that I had to go visit a company with my pants suits which had a big hole.
Soon after I greeted people at the company, I excused that I fell on the way to come to the company.
I felt horrible…
Also after I went back to my office, everyone mentioned that my pants had a hole.
Each time I had to tell the story.
I am so embarrassed to tell them how careless I was…
After work, I went to Thai restaurant with my friends from Hula lesson.
I was late for 30 mins but when I got there, they even did not drink at all.
I can’t believe that they did not order for 30 minutes.
They said the Thai waitress got mad at them because there were people who waited to be seated just before I got in.
Anyway, the Thai restaurant was good, but very spicy.
This week I had hot Korean, Italian, and this hot Thai.
Quite variety of food I am eating.
Getting fat.
Can’t stop eating lately…
After we had dinner, we went to café, and talked for a long time, and I got home midnight tonight.
I am soooo sleepy.
We had such a fun time by talking so many things.
All girls’ talk which we can’t let any other people to listen.
I hope other customers there did not listed to us.
Sometimes girls’ talk is fun, although I usually don’t do much.
Since I have not know the girls from the Hula lesson much yet, it was interesting to listen to their lives.
I am happy that this week has gone now.
Well, I still have to go to my office tomorrow a bit, though.
Anyway, I just need to sleep now cuz I am soooo crazy and hopefully I can sleep till 10 or something tomorrow.
Party To Celebrate A Success Of Conventions!

I am drunk.
All members in Osaka who joined two conventions we exhibit last February and March got together tonight.
We went to shitty Italian restaurant close to our office.
11 of us had such a good time.
I had a headache since I laugh too hard.
We went to Karaoke afterwards.
It has been a while since the last time I went to Karaoke.
We had such a good time.
The members who went to Karaoke after dinner were all young.
So I felt like I went back to my high school days.
I took cab with all other people who live close to my apt.
Ahhh, I can’t stay up any later tonight.
Dinner With My Friends From College

This is not Pizza.
This is Korean Pancakes called Kimuchi Chijimi.
I went to dinner with my friends from college in Japan.
One of them is now pregnant, and I felt a little weird to see her big stomach.
I am so looking forward to seeing her baby!!
Today I had a pretty good day because of my new assistant.
He works really well and our combination is pretty good.
We are doing research for something in the US now.
Nobody could do any faster than we did.
We talked a bit by ourselves before I left office today.
He asked me not to make him go to the US with me on April 23rd.
I asked him if that is his anniversary or something.
He said, “no, but important day”.
I did not ask him any more because I don’t think I should know.
But now I am kinda worried.
Maybe he will have a job interview on that day?
I might ask him tomorrow although once I told him that I did not wanna know.
Because it would be a big deal for me if he will leave our company!
It is always nice to see my old friends.
Whenever we get together, we can go back to our old age.
Now each of us lives in a different world, but we are still good friends.
It is fun to listen to somebody else’s life which I never have experienced.
We went to Café after the dinner.
There were so many foreigners at the café.
The guy who took our order was very cute so we asked him where he was from.
We were all surprised that he was from Colombia, who can speak Japanese very fluently.
I ordered an apple pie but it was totally different from the picture, so bitched about it.
However, they did not care what I said.
Their sweets were not good at all.
I bet they make a lot of money by the cute foreign waiters but not by their food or sweets.
No Exercise But Junk Food

I left my office early enough to go to Hula lesson today.
When I got there, the floor was no lights on.
I did not know that we did not have lesson today since I was absent from the last two lessons this month.
I called my Hula mates, and she said she sent text to me...
I did not realized.
Damn it...
So I went home early to do something for myself.
I was kinda hungry.
In a car, I was thinking if I should get rice balls from a convenience store or get junk food from Mac Donald's.
Since I am lazy, I decided to do drive through, so that I did not have to get out from a car and walk.
It was funny that nobody said anything at the place I suppose to order for drive through.
So I decided to drive down to the window, where I suppose to get my food, and ordered there and waited in a car.
I wonder why they did not realize my car for 3 minutes while I was waiting.
Anyway I got fried chicken and french fries so that I did not have to wait that long.
Ah, I should cook, but there are only chocolates and beer in my refrigerator now...
Felt guilty so I was thinking to do something at home to burn calories.
However, I think I am going to bed now, although it is only 9 PM now.
I can sleep a lot lately.
What a lazy life.
New Week Has Come

I was mentally dead yesterday.
But I was so happy that I was not dead this morning.
I woke up normally and put make-up on and left to work and get day at 8.
It is interesting that people can have a new fresh day no matter how you depressed on the last day.
This is how human beings are.
One of projects which I am working on is importing Organic.
This Quesadilla was not that bad.
I have to figure out what to import from the US till the end of this month.
Ah, I can’t believe that March is almost done.
I got so many e-mails and phone calls for appointments in April lately.
I am freaking out that a page of my schedule book for April has already been black, black and black.
It was kinda warm in Osaka today.
Spring will come soon.
It means that I will see cherry blossoms quite soon.
Can’t wait to see them!
Lazy and Goofy

Somehow, I was so depressed today.
I woke up and did not feel like doing anything.
So I decided to stay in a bed, and whenever I got hungry, I ate popcorn and chocolates.
I got my computer in my bed, and surf the Internet.
What an awful way to spend my holiday!
I know it is not good to spend my holiday like a sick person, but I had zero energy.
I talked with my trusty friend, Masaru on a phone for more than an hour.
He is a guy whom I can talk all about me, and he is a good listener.
We talked a lot about our lives, and after I talked with him, I could not stop thinking about my life.
This is why I don’t like to have a lazy and goofy day off.
I got totally depressed.
I sometimes feel that I am crushed by worries and pressures.
Does everyone feel like how I feel?
I should not have spent my day off by myself…
If I keep running and if I don’t have time to think about my life, I did not have to get depressed.
But today, I was physically so tired, and made me realize that I am luck of my confidence about what I am doing.
Although I kept eating like that I can be a super-size woman easily, I got hungry at night.
I drove to my sister’s apt again tonight, and asked her to feed me.
I ate dinner, took a nap, took a bath and came home.
Okay, now I stop being so weak.
My new week will start tomorrow!
I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!!
Stupid Of Me

Because of a jetlag, I went to bed right after I came back home last night.
All the lights were on, and I slept from 10PM to 5AM this morning.
Yes, I could not go back to sleep since 5 in this morning.
I was lying on a bed and watched TV for a while and tried to sleep.
But couldn’t, so I did my laundry and cleaned my room a bit.
I ate popcorns which I got from the US for breakfast.
In this afternoon, I went to my office to get some work done.
After I finished writing my report about my business trip, I got tired and left although I had more work to do.
BTW, this is my desk now.
How messy it is…
This will be my new desk from next month.
I will get promoted from next month, but will get smaller space!
That does not make sense!!
But that is because my boss will come to my office and will take my desk.
Dang it!!
I don’t want him to come back to my office space!!!! Oh, well.
Anyway, after I left office, I went to my sister’s apt to have dinner with her.
We had not have enough time to spend together, so I was happy that I could go to her place today.
She cooked so many kinds of salad for me.
They were all good!
We had movie night tonight.
We kept watching American dramas from 4:30PM to midnight, nonstop.
We watched them even when we were having dinner.
I was so stupid that I did that.
We were so sleepy and tired, but we could not stop watching them till we finish watching them till we see the end of the series.
On the way back from her apt to my apt, I kinda regret that I stay at her pace too late.
I was about to sleep and drive…
I was up since 5 in this morning.
Well, I should go to bed now and sleep in tomorrow…
No Rest

I got back from the US last night.
Because of a jetlag, I woke up at 5 in this morning.
I went to work with tons of stuff from the US.
I was the first person at office in this morning.
From the morning, I had a meeting with my boss and gave him reports about my business trip in LA and in SF.
He went like, “So?”
I guess the info I got was not enough for my boss.
He had no sympathy for me about my hard schedule of a-week-Tokyo- business trip and a-week-America-business trip.
Guys, I love being in the US, and to be honest, I enjoy staying in the US.
However, work is work.
Don’t think that America business trip is nothing for me!
Today, I was told to go to the US again next month for butter.
I don’t know how I can go through the immigration this time…
All my assistants loved the stuff I got from the US.
I got lots of reports from them, and I was happy to see them working hard.
I had so many kinds of meeting with many people today, and I left office at 9PM.
I was so sleepy since this afternoon and because of that, I felt really cold at work.
No food at my apt, so I grabbed rice balls from a convenience store.
I can’t believe that I was in the US yesterday.
Welcome back to my real world…

I had such a bad night last nicht, but I got recovered.
Because I have no time to feel down.
I woke up and went to spa before long trips and did laundry and cleaned my room, and did some work.
I took a night flight from Osaka to Tokyo at 7PM.
I had an appointment with a business related person.
I got surprised that she tried to make an appointment with me on Sunday night at 9PM.
We had a short meeting for a convention with a glass of beer.
She is kinda funny lady who does food coordinating, which sounded like an interesting job.
I took a train to this hotel at midnight.
This is a hotel I am going to stay tonight.
Tomorrow will be a preparation day for a convention, which is the biggest food convention in Asia.
I am excited, but I am nervous.
It will be fun though.
I think I should go to bed now…
Ahhhh, I miss my bed.
I Remembered How To Cry

I had a meeting today on Saturday, which we have once a month.
At this meeting, R&D department have to do a presentation about some projects.
I helped my assistant to prepare for a few weeks.
Also we have to show some products we are trying to sell after lunch.
I talked with my boss and tell that to my assistants to bring them to the room.
Anyway, the meeting was 8 hours long which was shorter than usual.
I went to my parent’s house to talk about something about work with my dad.
And I went back to my apt to clean up this messy room and to pack my suitcase for Tokyo business trip and America business trip.
I checked my e-mail just now.
I got e-mail from my partner at work.
After reading the e-mail, I was so disappointed with myself and him.
I thought I forgot how to cry, but it seems like I remembered.
E-mail is sometimes cruel.
I hate writing something you can’t say face to face.
I think it is not fare to say something you feel difficult to say by e-mail.
He is such a nice guy who supports me so much, but the e-mail was complains about me.
I was so disappointed with me about making him feel like writing such a negative e-mail.
I trusted him so much, so I was sad to read his e-mail saying that I am not working hard enough.
I don’t know how I can do better than now.
I don’t know how many more hours I can work than now.
I don’t know how I can care about everyone more than now.
I thought I did my best, but I am disappointed that he disagrees.
He resigned his position so I moved to his department and will be his boss from April.
So before April, I have to learn everything from him what he had done at the department.
However, because of preparation for the convention coming up tomorrow, I did not have enough time to talk with him.
I don’t have confidence to be his boss…
To be pleased by everyone is such a hard work.
What do I want?
I think I don’t care who hates me now.
I think I just need to get a good result, so that everyone will follow me.
So yeah, maybe I should work now.
Okay now, what else do I have to sacrifice for this job??
I Am Lucky

First of all this is a picture of a store in Tokyo which I saw the other day during my business trip.
I love lovely stuff recently somehow, maybe because I am getting old.
I love anything cute now.
Of course I did not buy anything here or went inside of this store, but I thought it was really cute.
Today I felt guilty to make a lot of my co-workers stay late at work because of me.
Each of them were waiting to have a meeting with me, but I had so many things and had to make them wait.
After work, I asked one of lady who works at a department where I was at before.
We went to eat dinner together and talked a lot and stayed there till midnight.
I wanted to go home early but somehow I wanted to be with somebody.
I need to do stuff at my apt, and I need to get enough sleep.
However, I chose to be away from my apt tonight.
I love being with somebody.
I also love to be by myslef, but most of the time I wanna be around with people.
We talked a lot and they were interesting conversations.
She is 7 years older than I, but we have lots of similarities.
I am lucky to be able to work with people who are patient with me.
I am lucky to have someone whom I can go out after work.
I am lucky to have a boss who care about my health and canceled Sunday appointment for me.
I have to work tomorrow, but I don't have to go to Tokyo tomorrow night.
I really appreciate to my boss.
I am a lucky girl.
Where Is My Dinner?

Lately no food in my apt.
This is baby squids by the way, which I ate at a Japanese restaurant the other day.
Whenever I eat out, I can get delicious food.
But I sometimes wanna eat at my apt.
I got home at 10:30PM tonight, and there was nothing to eat.
I went to a store to get two rice balls.
I wanna go on a diet, but I hate not to eat anything.
Eating right is the best way for me to be healthy.
I did not do anything special today so my entry today is boring.
I was just at office and did lots of desk work and meeting.
The more I talk with my boss, the more job I get, and I get too busy to go home early.
So sleepy tonight.
I will skip taking a bath tonight, and am going to go to bed now.
Tasting Organic Life

I could sleep well on both ways between Osaka and Tokyo on a flight.
I went to Tokyo branch in this morning and went to see a person of an organic store to sell our products.
It seems like he got interested in.
After the appointment, I went to a different organic grocery store.
There are more interesting organic stores in Tokyo than in Osaka.
The organic grocery store I went this afternoon has a restaurant.
So I had lunch there, which was buffet.
It tasted pretty good, but $12 for lunch is pretty expensive with these simple buffet menus.
But I thought eating only organic stuff is not a bad idea.
These are organic cakes I got at other oraganic store.
They tasted horrible.
When you eat sweets, you can’t think about organic!!
Well, now we are trying to make organic sweets though.
However, we are trying to produce DELICIOUS organic sweets.
That’s why some owners of organic stores got interested in our products.
I ate other normal sweets at café too.
They were horrible too.
Where is the pâtissier’s pride?
I went to sales to one more organic store.
The buyer guy at the store said he was in Germany and Paris for researching organic stuff.
I am going to go to Organic Expo in the US, and now I see many people who goes to expos in other countries.
Talking with them is interesting and I can learn a lot.
I took a flight back home and I could get a rest at my apt.
I was going to go to Tokyo for convention from this Sunday.
However, it seems like I have to go from Saturday night because I got an appointment with other company this Sunday.
I will have a hella long meeting on Saturday and I have to leave to Tokyo on that night.
Wait! When do I have to pack my stuff for Tokyo and America??
Ahhhh, I wanna get a day off, but no time to get a day off…
This Is What I Ate For Dinner

This is all I ate today for dinner.
I had so much stuff to eat at work in this afternoon, and I got full.
I went to Hula lesson tonight, it has been a month since the last time I took the lesson.
This was the first time since I danced Hula in Hawaii.
So today’s lesson was such a good one.
I love dancing!
I have to get up at 5 to get a flight to go to Tokyo for work tomorrow morning.
I can’t write much tonight.
It was kinda hard day at work today with emotional workers…
With New Items

I went to work with a pair of new suits today.
It seems like I look skinny in that suits, so I got lots of good comment today, and made me feel good whole day.
It is important to be happy especially because it is Monday, the first day of the week.
I wore a new orange necklace, but it seems like it looked really cheap.
It costed $80 US! But people said it looks like $10!
Ah, maybe I should not bought…
I did not were these shoes today, but these are the shoes I bought the other day, which I love!
I can’t wait to wear them!
The only reason I did not wear today was because it rained today.
I worked quite hard today, but there were so many people who talked to me at work, so it was hard to do everything I wanted to do in order.
I was going to go to gym tonight, but a girl who works for me came to me and she said she needed to talk.
She looked serious, so we decided to go for dinner instead of going to gym.
Then she said, “My boyfriend broke up with me”
I expected that she was going to talk about work, so I was surprised, but at the same time, I felt happy that she trusts me like this.
She talked to me how she felt, and I tried really hard to cheer her up.
I really think after you got a broken heart, you can be much stronger.
I told her being broken up is better than breaking up.
She is a pretty and nice girl, so she should be find and will find a nicer person, I hope.
Boys and girls relationship is hard!
Being boss is interesting.
We discuss lots of stuff including their love relationship.
Fashion And Food Are Similar

I went shopping for a dress I will wear for my best friend’s wedding.
My best friend, Masaru, will have a wedding the end of March.
So I decided to go shopping and ended up to buy simple dress at DKNY.
I love DKNY lately.
I bought lots of clothes there in Hawaii too.
The reason was that I saw so many DKNY clothes on Vogue, which my uncle bought for me from the US.
They were all cute on the magazine, and I got crazy about their clothes.
I went shopping by my car today.
I drive to anywhere lately.
Driving around city is fun, and I like the time in my car.
I can think lots of things while I am driving.
I went to Japanese restaurant with my parents tonight.
Look how beautiful the presentation was!
Tomorrow will be a girl’s day so they did this presentation for appetizer.
I think food is great because it can amaze people by their looking and taste.
Maybe this is why we care about fashion too.
When you see a girl who dresses nice, then you wanna know her.
And if you can figure out she got a nice heart, then you would be amazed.
Food and fashion are similar.
Isn’t it an interesting point?
Who Is The Right Person For Me?

I went to work this morning.
I have to go to work every weekends lately…Bummer…
After I went to work, I went to Spa.
I think I should stop going to spa this often, but when I am at the spa, I can get relaxed.
Today I was going to hang out with my sis, but I totally forgot about other appointments.
I got call from Shinsuke and he wanted to make sure if I am coming to see him and his colleagues.
“Shooot!” He mentioned about the dinner thing 2 weeks ago and reminded me today!
I totally forgot about so I felt guilty but I canceled an appointment with my sis.
Recently I forget many things…
Before going to the dinner, I stopped by my apt and checked my e-mail.
And I was shocked by e-mail from my ex boyfriend.
The e-mail was basically about him being worried if I am trying to get back with him.
I was very surprised because I could not figure out what made him to get worried, and I felt sorry to make him worry.
I am a person who keep in touch with all my ex boyfriends because I was in a deep relationship with each of them, and they are important to me.
I was in love in them so much, that’s why I still want them to be a part of my life with a different type of good relationship after breakups, is it weird?
Afterwards, I was thinking that maybe the ex got worried because I have not been in a serious relationship since we broke up.
As I am busy and had no luck, I haven’t had much opportunity to see someone new.
Also I can’t feel, “Oh, this is THE guy!” to anybody lately.
So at the dinner, we were talking about “How to meet THE guy”.
One guy told me that first I should analyze what kind of person I want to be with.
When I was young, I wanted to date with cute looking guy who is more than 20 cm higher than my height and funny and gentle…etc
To find THE guy when I was young was easy.
Now I don’t care about looking, but inside!
It was kinda fun to analyze them and to discuss about them.
It was fun to listen to other people’s opinions about what they want their girlfriends have too.
Girls’ perspective and boy’s perspective are a bit different.
Here are what important to me.
1. Someone who loves his family and will love my family.
2. Someone who let me do what I really care without bothering me.
3. Someone who is sincere, not a liar.
4. Someone who has a big dream for his life.
Boy’s opinions were
1. Someone who can cook well.
2. Someone who understands what I am doing and does not complain.
3. Someone who has the same hobby.
4. Someone who can share the same space with doing different things.
He said if the points you find a person who clears these points, you should go for it.
We were at the restaurant for 4hours and a half.
Except Shinsuke, I had never seen them, but they were quite interesting people.