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Sad News

It was a normal day for me except a call from Tae.
I got call from Tae when I was working.
He suddenly called me and said he had to leave Japan tomorrow.
He was crying so bad over the phone so I knew something bad happened to him.
His grandma passed away today.
I had met her when I stayed his house back in Korea before for my summer vacation.
She was such a sweet grandma who was really nice to me.
She was in Japan when we did not treat well to Korean people long time ago.
So when she talked to me in Japanese and held my hand, I was so happy and I felt guilty about the time we had a war.
I thought she had such a big heart.
I hate myself that I could not find the right thing to say to him when he was crying.
Today was the last day for me to work at my department.
I will move to R&D department from tomorrow.
I felt a little sad when I was doing daily work at my office.
I am just gonna move to the next building, but it seems like a big deal to move there.
Tonight I had an appointment with my nail artist.
I got my nails really short for a lot of work waiting for me from tomorrow.
She has a tiny dog who sits on me all the time I was there.
She was such a cutie, and I got in love with her quickly.
I wish my dog were as friendly as she was so that more people would love her.
Look how she looked at me.
Can you believe that this was only the second time to see her?
Well, I am going to bed now with thinking of Tae’s grandma tonight.
Gym For Hawaii

Last night, it was hard for me to sleep because I was thinking a lot.
I talked with my first boyfriend on the phone before I go to bed and found out he is getting married this coming Saturday.
I was truly happy for him, but at the same time I got a little sad.
I knew he is going to get married this February but did not know it would be this soon.
We were going to go out to drink for the last time before he gets married, but it did not happen since he lives in Tokyo and I did not have business trip lately.
Of course I am not in love with him now, but 11 years ago, we were such a happy loving couple.
The fact that he is going to get married did not make me sad, but I was sad because we can’t see each other in person anymore forever.
Weird feeling.
I went to gym today as I wrote last night.
We had a long meeting, so we only could take Pilates class but no other stuff.
I weight myself at the gym, and I figured that I gained weight.
Therefore, I was like, “What a heck! I am going to eat before I go home”
After the Pilates class, we stopped by at a local Indian restaurant and had curry.
The long meeting was a meeting for coming Hawaii trip after work.
People from a tour company came to give us an orientation how to travel in the US.
Yes, all of us at our company are going to go to Hawaii next month.
I was not excited about it, but now I am quite excited because I can’t wait to be somewhere hot!
I am looking forward to hanging out on a beach in Hawaii under sun.
At the meeting, everyone looked soo happy.
This is why we are trying to lose weight, Hawaii trip.
I have to be skinny enough to wear bikinis before everyone.
Well, maybe it would be much easier to give up on it than to try to lose weight…
Gourmet with My Loving People

Today I was pretty busy.
I had big guests from yesterday from early in this morning.
I had so many meetings today.
Although I am busy, I have to enjoy my grummet life.
I went out for lunch break with my sis.
My second father took us out.
He has been my dad’s best friend since they were middle school students.
He does not have any daughter but only a son, so he treats us like his real daughter.
Whenever I am lost, he is a good adviser.
He is one of my favorite person whom I really trust.
The young kid in this picture is his real son.
I have taken care of him since he was a baby.
He is 6 years younger than I, but a couple years ago, he had a different feeling to me, and it was such a complicated situation.
I was shocked because he is like my brother at that time, but finally now he is really like my brother.
He is a good adviser about my Mac computer.
We ate really really good Sushi.
It is the world best Sushi, which I have ever eaten.
I had lots of sweets tasting today.
Because of the best Sushi and this sweets tasting, I was pretty much full.
After a couple of afternoon meeting, I left office with my dad.
Today was “family dinner day” with my loving uncle Koji!
I had not seen him since last September when I went to SF.
I was sooo happy to see him.
I was pretty tired from work today and I was very sleepy tonight, but soon after I saw uncle Koji, I got totally fine!
We went to really good Kushikatsu place.
I am very very very full now.
I have to go to Gym tomorrow for sure!
Business Dinner with Doctors

I just came home from a business dinner.
I had dinner with doctors who are in charge of our special products.
One is a veterinarian and the other is a pet dietician.
Have you heard a pet dietician?
I don’t think there are many of them, but a pet dietician direct pet owners what their pet eat.
It is such an interesting job.
We took them a nice steak restaurant, but it was too much.
I was the one who supposed to take care of everything, but I was kinda slow, so my boss took care of everything, like serving stuff.
I am bad….
Since they were our serious business partners, I could not take any pictures at the restaurant.
I hate to update this blog without any picture so I upload this picture, my sweets.
This is petite chocolate which we just started to sell for Valentine’s Day.
This is one of our popular sweets.
Ahh, Valentine’s Day is coming up!!
Oh, so after we left a steak house, I took them out to a wine bar.
Well, it supposed to a wine bar, but it wasn’t.
We researched by a magazine and totally misunderstood it was a wine bar.
I ordered red wine, but they kept the bottle in a refrigerator!!
No way!
Also the owner said, “I don’t know much about the kind of wine”.
Such a disappointment, but we had a good time.
Doctors are different kind of people from us.
I don’t know how, but different.
Very interesting, but there are so many technical words I could not understand.
Maybe I should study Japanese language more…
One of the doctors is from NY.
There are many similarities between us.
It was fun for me to hear a lot of unknown place in the US, which I might be able to visit the next time.
We will have them to our company to tour them our factories.
It will be a big day tomorrow again!
Bought A New Dress

I watched a video today, “The devil Wears Prada”.
I liked it. It was cute!
I thought I could understand the girl.
I am such a simple person so I get influence from what I see.
In this afternoon, I got a call from my dad.
He asked me, “Are you coming tonight?”
I was like, “Shit!!”.
I totally forgot about an appointment with my dad.
Since my favorite relative, Uncle Koji, is in town, my grandma, my mom and my uncle went no a family trip.
Therefore my dad is alone at home, so he wanted to have my sis and I be around him.
My dad is always with my mom when he is at home, so he is no longer able to be by himself at home.
I was looking for a casual dress, so I was at store.
My dad called me again, “Aren’t you coming yet??”
I hurried to buy one, so I am not sure if this is the right one I want.
My sister said it was like a maternity dress. Is it??
I don’t know…
Lately I like sweet clothes, like not cool clothes.
Does this mean that I am trying to be looked young?
After dinner, my sis asked me about friendship.
Her friends let her down the other day, and she said she was very disappointed with them.
My advice to her was that, “Don’t expect too much to your friends”.
On the way back to my apt, I was thinking, “ Did I say the right thing?”
Since when have I become such a dry person?
I have lots of good friends, but maybe I try to protect myself by not expecting friends too much.
It does not mean that I don’t respect them or not like them.
Is this a normal thing that all people do?
Time to go to bed now.
Food and Movie

It was hard for me to get up this morning.
I had to because I had to do my laundry today and I was going to see Shinsuke.
I had Spa appointment at 1 PM so the only time I could see him was this morning.
So I had to leave my apt 10:30, but of course I was late.
I am really bad at being somewhere on time so I am always late, but the worse is that Shinsuke who never shows up on time, even today when I got there 30 mins late…
Anyway, we had lunch together and I went to Spa.
My got stiff shoulders.
After the Spa, I did some window-shopping and went back to my apt to hold my laundries.
This picture is what I ate today at my favorite Italian restaurant.
Gratin! Lots of cheese.
Ahhh, too much fat.
After I did some tuff at my apt, I went to pick up my friend form college.
She just got married last May, and now she lives pretty close to me.
We sometimes get together and watch movies or just being lazy together.
Her husband is such a hard worker and he works on weekends too.
She was going to stay over at my apt, but since her husband has been sick, so she decided not to.
They had been together for 10 years, and their relationship was quite weird.
But now she cares about him like taking care of him when he is sick, so I am glad.
Anyway, I was surprised that he went to work on Saturday when he got fever and sick till midnight.
Compared to him, my work maybe nothing…
We had dinner together and she came over to my apt, and she just left.
We watched “Black Dalia”.
I did not get the movie.
It is too complicated, and it was not that interesting.
At the end, we discussed about the story, but both of us did not understand.
I rented two more movies, so I think I will watch one more or go to bed.
Good bye Ms. Yasuda

We had a farewell party for a girl who worked at our company for 7 years.
There are so many housewives working as a part time.
Since they have family, so it is hard for them to leave their family at home as a mother and a wife.
However, since everyone like Ms. Yasuda, so all of us at our apt stayed the party till midnight.
At the end of a party, we gave a present, and many of us cried so bad.
It is sad to see someone leave...
Nobody knows but I am leaving this department next month.
When I think abou it, I was little sad again.
I could catch the last train.
Headache again.
Had a good time at the party.
I am happy that I have lots of nice people around me!
My Destiny

I have schedules every single day till the end of this month.
I supposed to teach at my apt today, but he canceled today’s lesson because he is behind of his work for his examination at school.
I remember that I had a hard time before examination.
I miss those days.
But do I wanna go back to school?
I do, but I would hate exams for sure.
Anyway, because of his absence, I did not anything to do tonight.
So I was going to go home early, but my boss, who is a head of a department I will move next month told me to go out to eat.
So I went to eat with him by ourselves to talk about plans from next month.
After we talked about them, he asked me lots of questions.
“What are you going to do in the future?”
“Are you going to take over the business? Or are you going to open a business in the US? Or are you going to get married??”
I am sick of those questions.
I would say, “Why you care???”
He said, “Oh, by the way, I heard you broke up with your boyfriend.”
I was like, “Wha???”
Geeeee, people, you guys, will you please leave me alone?
I have learned that I can’t trust anybody at this place about secrets for this 2 and a half year.
When I started working here, I was really open-minded and told them many things about me.
However, recently, I have not told about my private life to my colleagues or bosses whom I like a lot.
It is sad, but maybe it is natural.
Everyone at this company is interested in m private life.
This does not mean that I am popular, but only because I am a daughter of the owner.
This is my destiny, I guess.
This is a picture we took for an album.
I am making an album for a girl who will leave this company next month.
I took 2 persons in a picture put in an album with a message card.
I was a pair with a guy who is the same position as mine.
Even he does not know that I am leaving this department.
Ahhh, I will miss this apartment so much…
Care About My Health

Awww. I got a headache again.
It happens only at night.
Maybe I should take a medicine tonight.
I had to go out to eat with a woman from other company whom I got to know through work.
I have been researching Organic recently.
Her job is examining food.
So I took her out and asked so many questions about Organic.
I learned a lot.
It is rare to eat out for work with a woman so I picked up special restaurant I like, which I can’t do when I eat with a man.
It is a Macrobiotic restaurant.
It is reasonable price and lots of good food, and more than that, good for our health.
Recently I care about my health a lot.
I am so afraid to get sick now.
I talked with a lady who owns the restaurant and she said how good to eat brown rice as many times as I can.
So I decided to make brown rice whenever I can eat at home.
Although Macrobiotic food is good, I ate too much.
I am going to brush my teeth, and do some exercise and SLEEP!!
Can't Wait To Sleep

I have a headache, my left part of my head, today…
Did I eat too many chocolates??
Do I have too much stress??
I don’t know…
However, I went to Hula lesson today.
I was hard, but good exercise again.
I was going to take one more class, which is one more level up than the one I take now.
I love Hula, and I was excited to take it, but I decided not to.
I have already been absent from the lesson twice this month because of work.
When I think about February and March, I don’t think I can attend whole classes per month.
Very unfortunate, but I am going to take just one class like last year.
Currently in my life, the first thing I have to do is “WORK”.
Good to have hobby, but I can’t put my priority to hobby now.
I have a dream, so I just need to walk towards it.
Ahhh, I hope I would not have this headache tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a busy day.
Recently I spray this thing on my bed and my pillows.
So that I can sleep really well.
Can’t wait to go to bed now.
Exercising Day

I came home by listening “Keiko Lee” and this flower on the picture waited for me at my apt.
Love flower, dalia!
What a peaceful day!
Today I could get lots of things done efficiently at work.
At the end of the day, I had so many meetings and they bothered me, but I could finish working pretty early.
I went to gym after two months today.
I pay $100 US, but I did not go there because I always had plans after work or was too tired to do exercise.
But finally I went to gym today, and did a lot of work.
Lately I do push-ups and sit-ups every night.
And when I weight myself today at gym, I lost 3 pounds.
3 pounds are big for me at this time, because since last December to January, I ate and drank a lot.
It is kinda natural to gain weight in this season, but I lose 3 pounds!!!
I think I like going to gym, but I just hope I can go more often.
I will go to Tokyo and Hawaii because of my work next month, but my goal is to go to gym 4 times next month at least.
Fun to loose weight!
Fell good to do exercise!
Can’t wait to sleep well tonight!
Girls' Night

Good thing and bad thing happened today.
I took an operation today.
It was a laser operation for depilation for my important part.
I felt a sense of humiliation while I was taking this operation.
More than that, I could not understand why I had to be taken pictures of my important part of my body.
It was hurt, damn hurt!!!
I don’t want to take the operation anymore…
I felt really bad afterwards…
I went to buy some more lingerie today and made me feel better.
Today I took my girls out to an Italian French restaurant, which is close to m apt.
I tried to go there once before soon after I moved, but they only take an reservation guests.
It was a nice restaurant and they also sell flowers so I bought a bouquet for my apt.
These are girls whom I have being taking care of.
Two of them are my colleagues at my old work place.
One used to be my student and now she is working as my assistant at my work place.
We talked a lot and had such a good time.
After we ate, all of them came over to my apt to hang out.
I showed off all my lingerie which I bought recently.
It is fun to have a night for girl's talk.
Now we live in a different field, but we have lots of similarities.
Nice to have good company around me.
I will definately have a good week from tomorrow.
Can't take a bath tonight because of my stupid operation...
I will feel cold tonight...
Slow Day

Nothing much happened today.
I slept a lot today.
Last night, I passed out and woke up at 6AM and realized that I kept all the lights and TV on.
Of course, I slept again after I turned off everything.
I had been quite busy and had lots of things to do, so I feel kinda weird to have a day off.
It is sad…
Whenever I am at my home, I drink coffee a lot.
I want to drink Starbucks coffee at work, but there is no Starbucks around my office.
Only factories… Not a fancy place.
When I worked at Grand Hyatt in SF, there was Starbuck in front of the hotel, so I bought the coffee everyday.
Now I make coffee with the dipping coffee cup in the picture.
Very easy to make.
I went to Spa today and stopped by Starbucks in downtown.
I wish I had Starbucks near my apt, so at least I can buy coffee beans whenever I want.
Look how cute the paper bag is!
It might be hard to tell, but it made me happy.
What a boring entry today.
Anyway, it was such a slow Saturday, but really did not feel like doing much stuff…
The Team Hiraoka

I feel old…
And it is unfortunate that I look really fat in this picture by the way…
Today I went to drink with some people of Osaka sales department of our company.
Mr. Hiraoka is a boss of this group and he invited me to join his communication dinner.
I have worked with Mr. Hiraoka a coupe times and he always said that he wants to give me an opportunity to talk with his people whom I usually don’t talk.
The reason why he wants me to communicate with them is that two of them will be my assistants when we exhibit our product at convention in February.
They are all young.
Mr. Hiraoka is an old guy who is very strict about common sense.
So I am careful about my manner a lot in front of him.
Therefore, tonight, I watched them how they act in front of their boss kinda strictly.
They should have researched where the restaurant is before they take us, so that we did not have to walk long. ( Mr. Hiraoka has Hernia)
Who had to hang everyone’s coat?
They had to order enough dishes without taking too long time.
Etc, etc, etc.
There are so many manners at a business situation in Japan.
I, myself, don7t know enough, but when I am with young people, I did not say anything, but I judged them.
That made me feel I am old and mean…
Elder Japanese people do the same to me, so I have to be really careful.
Japanese manners are very difficult...
Anyway, besides the mannaer, I had a good time in total.
Always nice to talk with mew people.
Food was all good, maybe I was the only one who eat the most…
It is Friday today, time goes fast…
Drunk, sleepy, and tired.
Japanese salary woman…
Just A Normal Day

Today was one of normal days.
It was busy at work as usual, and I used my brain a lot.
However, paperwork-wise, I did not have much stuff to do since now my assistants help me doing simple paper works.
Also since my boss was not that busy, I could go talk to him each time I wanted to ask something.
After work, I ate out with Shinsuke.
He is the one whom I can open my mind, although we argue a lot.
We are both busy, so we can’t get to see each other that often, but whenever we see each other, we cant stop talking.
Lately, my best relaxing time is the bath time.
I make bubble bath everyday ad massage my leg and face while I am taking my bath.
I did not like taking a bath before, but I realize that taking bath is really good now.
I can sleep really well after a bubble bath.
My friends were surprised to hear that and said how luxury I live.
But imagine that I have to wash a bathtub each time after I take a bubble bath…
That isn’t that luxury, unfortunately.
After a bath, I steam a towel by a microwave for a minute, and put that on my face.
And massage my face with treatment oil.
I have done all these my routine work tonight, so I am ready to go to bed.
I will have a department meeting early tomorrow morning!!
Searching For A Dead Body

I had a funny experience today.
I wrote about the smell of my boss’s room the other day.
It smelled really bad, and I could not help having a meeting there.
I called a construction company to fix it.
The chief of our factory was there to help them.
This picture made me laugh.
Look his face!
You can tell how sticky the room is.
We opened many parts of the ceiling, but there were no mice’ or fillets’ dead body.
However, the smell was like a dead animal body.
We tried to find a dead mouse or a dead fillet for a couple hours, but we could not find.
We will try again some another time, and will figure out what it was.
Today, before this thing happened, my boss called me to his stinky room.
He told me about a personnel reshuffle of our company.
Usually a personnel reshuffle happens in April, but this is something unusual.
Finally they decided to move me to R&D department officially.
I will move sometime in February.
I will cover my partner position.
He will get one position down and will move to another department.
I feel a bit sad that I have to leave my department now, because I am still not sure if I have been useful for the department ever.
Moreover, I feel really really sorry for my partner.
I talked with my boss and insisted him that the punishment for him was too strict, and unfair.
If he had to make him go down one position, there are other people who had to go down one position.
I this I am going to get a position I want, but I don’t know.
I can’t be happy without feeling anything.
Sometime I feel the business world is too cold.
I guess I just need to do my best on what I can do.
All the people above me were not at office since this afternoon.
I was the highest boss at office today, so I had to take care of all workers and make sure that everyone leaves office.
I told them to go and waited for long although I was planning to go to gym.
I had not been to Gym at all although I pay a lot for the membership fee.
Should I quit? But I don’t want to…
I love Japan, but PLEASE try to leave office as early as you can, Japanese people.
Working till late at night does not always mean that you are a hard worker or a good business person…
Love Company Event

Today, we had New Year’s Party of our company at Chinese restaurant.
Early this morning, we heard what our company’s goal this year.
I got motivated a lot by hearing it, and now I really want to do my best whole this year till I leave this company.
What can I do?
I would like to leave a great success at this company before I go.
I love this company and all employees.
So when we have this kind of event, I get really excited.
The men on the picture are a leader of Nagoya branch and Hokkaido branch.
I can’ get to see them that often, so we drink a lot together when we have this kind of event.
Some of the employees told me, "I love you!!". (Of course they were drunk)
I love them so much too, and I feel really happy to hear that they say that they want me to work with them.
As I am a daughter of the owner, I was not sure what other employees feel about me when I started working here.
There were people who hated me and people who tried really hard to be liked by me only because I was a daughter of the owner.
I think there are still some people who feel like that way.
However, it is true that there are employees who see me as a normal person now.
It took a while but now I have worked with lots of people and we share a lot of things together.
I am so glad that I came back to Japan to work for this company.
I still remember when I had a hard time to decide if I should come back to work for him.
Now I know that I made a right decision although this is not my job forever.
When we are excited to challenge new thing for a new year, it is a good idea to get together and share the ideas.
I am going to sell our products a lot this year!
I am going to produce new products this year!
Today I left my office without my apt keys.
My mom who got my key is in Hong Kong now, so I was in trouble.
I asked younger employee who left at office late to bring the key to me.
I feel myself too bossy to ask such a thing.
How come I am so careless…
Shopping On A Cola Day

Last night, when I left home, I was so surprised at how cold it was outside.
I did not wear warm clothes last night, but I regret because it snowed outside.
I am so sleepy tonight.
I just got home and on the way back here by my bike, I was almost fall a sleep.
I am that sleepy.
I have to get up earlier than usual because we will have a meeting to hear what our company’s goal this year from our owner.
Today I went shopping at an outlet mall.
I could not find what I want much there, so I stopped by “home center” sort of place, like Wal-Mart in the US.
Therefore, these are all I got for today.
Shoppingholic, huh?
Today was a happy Monday, which means that we had a national holiday.
We get Monday off when we have national holiday in the week, so that everyone can get 3 days off straight.
Good system.
Today was a national holiday, “Coming-of-Age-Day”.
All kids who become 30 years old will attend ceremony at each area to celebrate this day.
I attended the ceremony 10 years ago.
We attend the one in our area, so I could get to see lots of my childhood friends.
It was like reunion.
20-year-old is such a big deal for us in Japan.
We can drink, vote, and smoke when we turn to 20.
I had drunk and smoked before I turned 20, but I was happy that I could feel that I can do everything in public legally.
More than that, I felt really responsible when I turned 20.
I felt myself be adult!
I got a nice watch from my parents as my birthday present, and that birthday was such a memorable birthday for me.
I will be 30 years old, and I was very afraid to be.
But now I am sure that I will feel the same way I felt when I turned to 20.
I will feel more responsible and will feel that I become adult.
What I was Thinking While I was Shopping

Today I am going out from late at night, so I decided to write before I leave.
I slept in this morning, and I went to downtown from this evening.
I had an appointment, but after the appointment, I did some shopping.
As I am going to outlet mal tomorrow, I should not waste my money, but I would say that I practiced for tomorrow…
At the department store, I was going to buy an umbrella to be happy on a rainy day, eye cream not to get any winkles on my eyes and computer case.
When I was on an escalator, I saw a lingerie area.
They were all cute, so I could not help buying them.
Lately, what I care to buy is lingerie, shoes, and skincare.
They are all what I did not care much before, but lately, when I wear cute lingerie, put a nice pair of shoes on, and my skin is on a good condition, I feel really good!
Today, I was thinking about “ love” a bit.
I think I am scared of being with one certain person now.
The reason why I was thinking about such a thing is because of what my favorite artisan told me the other day.
We did a small chat, and he suddenly told me, “You should get married”
I was like, “Huh??”.
After a while, I was thinking, “Did he tell me that because he saw my limit in a business field? So he thought my only other way to survive was marriage??”
I know I am a little bit pessimistic.
I would get married anytime, but now it is not the right time to think about it.
This is what I was thinking while I was shopping today.
Now I clean my apt and have to get ready to go.
Too Long

Long meeting is not effective thing to do.
People, please find an effective way to discuss about problems.
I don’t have time to be with old people to chat at work!!
Today is Saturday, and I totally waste my happy Saturday because of this stupid meeting.
If I were the one who direct the once a month meeting, I would do much better.
I would make everyone prepare much more.
I strongly believe that a long meeting is the MOST wasting time in this world.
To talk is important, but 10-hour-long meeting is ridiculous.
Management people who attended the meeting are all smart people so I can’t believe why they can’t figure about how to do a short meeting.
The other once a month meeting, which the owner and senior vice president attend, is much much shorter.
How come??
Well, I think this is enough complaint for today.
At this meeting, after lunch, we taste many kinds of trendy food.
R&D department picked up “organic Chocolate” for this month.
We tasted so many kinds of chocolates and some other stuff such as; bread, pudding, cookies and so on.
I got sick by eating too many chocolates during this meeting.
Somehow eating too many chocolates causes me headache.
Today was the first day to got to office by my own car.
I drive an orange color small car.
I was not allowed to go to work by car, but finally my dad gave me permission.
He told me not to be found about my car by many employees, although he let me drive to work.
Excuse me??
My car is orange!
It is impossible.
One employees has already figured out that I drove to work.
Everyone knows my color and orange is very bright unusual color for car.
Anyway, it was nice that I could drive to work today, but I got lost on the way back home.
What Happened January 11th

These are slippers at my apt.
Today is 12th, but I am writing about yesterday now.
I am so tired on this day.
Got home at 10:30PM from my office because of unexpected useless overtime.
I had supper and soon after I laid on my bed and fell a sleep.
I was planning to get up an hour later or so to do some stuff for myself, but I woke up at 2AM in the morning.
The TV, which I kept on during my nap time, shows an old Japanese movie about prostitute like a late movie show.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face, and I was trying to make myself write this blog.
However, I was too sleepy and didn’t feel like writing one.
Since I write a blog once a day everyday, I felt guilty not writing one.
I watched a part of the Japanese prostitute story, and I liked it.
I think it was a sad story, although I am not sure cuz I just saw a part of it.
I wish I could figure out the title of the movie so that I can watch the whole story.
It was an very interesting Japanese historical movie.
Anyway, I was watching it, and also I was thinking that I have to write a blog.
So I had a dream about me writing a blog about Japanese prostitute.
Dreaming is interesting.
Sometime I have a dream about something in my mind, and sometime I have a dream about something I have no idea why I have such a dream.
On 1/11, I attended a meeting as a leader of a management department.
Our department is a trouble maker of our company in December, so I got a pot at the meeting.
Too bad…
I had a couple appointments with a package design company and with a web design company.
One was really a nasty guy and the other was a really young boy as President of each company.
I figured that Vice President’s room smelled really bad.
I didn’t feel comfortable having a meeting there with him.
I found out the smell was from a dead mouse’s body.
He Is A Good Student

Today was a pretty efficient day for me.
It was hard for me to get up this morning, so I took a cab to work.
I got a lot of paper works done today.
Since I was working on several different paper works, and also e-mailed back to many kinds of people whom I had met lately, so I get confused.
I write wrong e-mail to a wrong person.
It is getting hard for me to keep track of what I have to do.
I had lunch with young girls from work today.
We talked about skin care, and we teach and learn some techniques.
I feel old when I talk with them, but fun.
I finished a lot of paper works, so I left 7 PM from work, pretty early.
That is because I had my student come to my apt.
I have taught him English conversation for one and a half year.
He is 22 years old now, and till his job for the first time in society start, he would come to my apt to learn English.
We will have three lessons left.
We met through Gospel lesson and he started coming to take lessons.
He had one month absent in December, so it had been a while since the last time we had a lesson.
However, he practice really hard, and today the way he reads English was really well.
Very impressed.
I always like people who work really hard in many ways.
I respect people who can be into something and try hard.
I should forget that I have to keep trying hard to get something I want, too.
Lunch In Tokyo

Today I worked at Tokyo office in this morning.
I was working on a paper work due to tomorrow, which I think I am doing well so far.
For lunch, I made an appointment with my friend.
We went to a restaurant in the closest station from my office, which was on a magazine before.
In Tokyo, the best place to meet up with my friend, is the area of our office.
It is because that our Tokyo office is the office for sales department, so all the workers should not be around the area, but should go to other area to sell our products.
Anyway we had such an expensive lunch, $20US.
Since I started keep my accounts, I think I have been cheap.
Well, I don’t want to spend much money, which is good and bad.
I don’t like to be cheap when I am around my friends.
Lunchtime is such an important time for me.
I enjoy having lunch because it is time that I can relax and refresh myself.
By eating lunch, I get energy.
Although I had this much lunch for today, I had to eat pancakes for work.
It was an interesting menu, pancake with marshmallows.
Got really sleepy after I ate a lot, but I had two appointments; a magazine publish company and a promotion company.
They were quite exciting, but I learned that I have to study harder to talk about our products well.
Since our products will be on a magazine and we will do a lot of promotions for them, recently I have many opportunities to give a presentation of our products.
I have to do it over and over, but I think my presentation is getting boring.
For the first presentation, I try really hard and prepare a lot, but when I repeat the same thing, I am getting lazy.
It is bad…
I came back to Osaka by the latest flight.
I have to write a report about today’s appointments.
Gotta go.
This Is Where I Stay

Ahhh, I am drunk.
I did this again…
I wish I were brave enough to day that I can’t drink much.
I am in Tokyo today.
My business partner and I were going to come to Tokyo tomorrow without spending a night here.
However our boss told us to come for meeting this evening.
I still think we could do tomorrow morning, but he ordered us to come, so we worked in Osaka and took a flight to Tokyo for a meeting.
After a meeting, I went out to drink with people of Tokyo branch.
I drunk too much…
I stay at a nice hotel on special occasion, but I usually stay at this small business hotel.
We get paid 8300yen($80US) for hotel per night, but it is hard to find that cheap hotel in Tokyo.
Actually, since I stay this small hotel, but this room is over the budget so I have to pay extra from my pocket money.
Not fair!!!
I would rather sleep at my apt, so I wish I could bring my bed to everywhere…
The reason I hate about Japanese business hotel is the following.
1. Too tiny little room
2. Too thin wall. I even can her snoring of a man who stay at the next room.
3. Too stinky. I hate to wear PJ at hotel, but I have to since I can’t carry much stuff when I am on a business trip.
Compare to Tokyo business trip, business trio on abroad is much better.
I always can get to stay at nice hotel whenever I work in other country.
There is no budget for that, although I care about the expense
Ahhhh, I can’t take a shower tonight, I think I will be pass out now.
I am proud that I wrote this blog tonight...
Eating By Myself With Thinking Many Things

Today I ate by myself twice.
I usually eat with my boss or my assistants, but today I missed the right time to eat, so I went to a restaurant by myself.
In this evening, my dad’s secretary made a mistake, so I had to deliver stuff to my dad.
Whenever they forget to give stuff to my dad, people ask me to deliver although they know that I don’t live with him.
Anyway, I did and my dad bought me dinner back from the restaurant he had dinner with my mom.
It was lucky that I could leave my office earlier than I expected.
This picture is my dinner tonight.
It was boring to eat by myself, so I hate eating by myself like today…
Today, my boss from R&D called me up to his office and told me about giving me more work.
First he asked me, “Are you capable to do so more responsible job? You will be much much busier.”
I knew that he ma tell me about the job, because the person who is responsible for the work is having a hard time and can’t make it.
Because of him, much work was behind, so my boss was tired and worried.
I could not say anything back to my boss for a while so my boss asked me again.
“Do you wanna take this job or not?”
What did I suppose to say?
I am not belonging to R&D but I have already being helping their job a lot, and I do sales too.
My department is management department; now I am rushed to finish a big paper work form my boss of my department.
How can I say, “Yes, I wanna take it.”
Since one person has already disappointed people about the project, if I take, there would be no way that I can fail.
As I don’t want to decide the size of my capacity, I would take it if he thinks that I am capable.
But I am not brave enough to say that I want it, because I am not confident if I can work more than now without making any mistakes.
I felt that it was not fair that my boss tried to make me take the responsible about taking the job.
He needs me and I am the only one who can take this project over now, but he did not take responsible by telling me to do it.
If I fail, then he would be a person who made a mistake.
Well, should I say, “I want to take it?”, though, because I want to be successful?
But can I really do it?? Am I capable t do more job?
I don’t know…
I have to think about it a little more…
Lazy Lazy Day

Since I went to bed 3 am last night, I slept in this morning.
I bought a new set of bed sheets and they are so comfortable, so I love being in a bed lately.
I woke up and I watched American drama series, “LOST” by my on-demand-TV.
As I can watch as many dramas as I want, I can’t stop watching them…
I totally forgot about an appointment, and I called it off only because I was lazy today.
However, I finally got out of my bed in the afternoon, and went to Spa.
I felt good, and I did not feel like cooking so I stopped by at my parents’ on the way back.
I am very spoiled, so I got to eat good stuff.
My dog was very excited to see me, so she made me really happy.
It is amazing that she knows that I was the one who took her to our house 7 or 8 years ago.
She loves my mom the best, and she knows that my dad is the chief of our house.
And she has special feeling to me, fortunately.
I had homework due to tomorrow for work, so I did with chatting by computer.
I got this website by youtube from my friend, and it cracked me up!!
It is stupid and hilarious.
But it might be a good idea to learn English for Japanese, maybe!
Old Company

Today was the 20th anniversary of my former office where I taught English to kids.
I had been a teacher for 4 years at a private school.
The kids I taught were more than 200, and I loved that job.
I had wanted to be a teacher since I was an elementary kid, so my dream came true when I was 18.
My boss was one of the persons whom I really respect.
I learned a lot about how life would be.
I used be a student of the school when I was 13-16.
So today I could see my old teacher, my colleagues, and also my former students who also experienced a teacher job.
It was a reunion, and I had such a good time with them.
When I worked there, I had experienced a lot.
I met so many kids and their parents.
I was scold so many time from my boss about my behavior, looking, the way to speak, and so on.
When I was down, there were always my companies to cheered me up.
I had had mean kids as my students, so I had cried a couple times.
There were kids who relayed on me and trusted me.
I taught how to teach to my younger colleagues whom I still hang out with.
Some of my kids came to school with drunk when they were 14, and had to call their parents and had a meeting till 1 am.
I was about to be rape by a 15-year-old kid, whom went on crazy by studying too hard.
I was only 18 years old to 22 years old, still young kids, but I put all my energy for the teaching job.
We had such a good time with such a good food.
Each of us had to give a small speech.
It was so interesting to listen to everyone’s memory about the school.
I was kinda nervous to give a speech in front of my old teacher and a person whom I really respect.
But I talked about my memories with them.
There were two things that I learned from my boss which I still keep in my mind.
One is that “Be the person who can care about more stuff than other people”.
This helped me a lot when I lived in American as a minor.
The other is that “Never limit what you can do. Say yes when you are asked to do something. Then your capacity will be bigger and bigger”
To be honest, my work is over my capacity now, but I still remember what she said, so I am trying really hard to make my capacity be bigger.
It was a nice reunion party today, but I drunk too much till midnight.
I am glad that I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.
2008 Will BE A Good Year

I woke up really early, had a cup of coffee, put new makeup stuff, and left to work.
We had a New Year ceremony at work.
The dad gave a speech and we drunk all together.
We learned how our company would be this year by the owner.
It was really positive speech, so it motivated me so much.
The first day of work was not that bad.
I talked with so many people, and it was different from the work days in 2007.
Everyone was so energetic.
The only regret was that I went to really good Italian restaurant to eat pasta for lunch.
I usually have one hour break, but sometimes I get away from work and go out for lunch to a nice place for 2 hours or so.
I thought I did not have much stuff to do on the first day of work.
However, it was not right, so I stayed at work till late at night.
I was going to go to gym, but I didn’t.
I was going to eat at my apt, but I didn’t.
I am so weak that whenever I am invited to go out, I say “Sure!!”
I came home and took a bath, washed my bath tub, did enough skin care, did laundry, and writing this blog.
Now I am going to keep my household accounts.
I am very fulfilled.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
I will try hard to continue these little daily routine stuff to do.
Shopping Dependence

Today is the last day of my vacation.
It was such a quick vacation.
I had been really lazy whole 6 days.
Slept a lot!
At the same time, I spent so much money for shopping during this vacation.
I have to stop!!
I got up really early and went to outlet mall to get some stuff.
Afterwards, I had Takoyaki (Octopus Balls).
I had been eating fancy food lately, so I wanted to eat something casual.
This is really good Takoyaki place in Osaka, one of my favorite place.
I went to Spa afterwards, and at the department store, where my spa located, was on sale.
I don’t like shop during the sale season because of 2 reasons.
One is that I don’t like to be in a place with too many people.
The other is that during sale, I tend to buy stuff which I don’t need much.
As I thought, there were too many people and I got so much stuff which I didn’t need…
Well, but it was fun.
Also I got really good two pairs of shoes.
I wanted them so bad before, but could not find the right size.
But today I found the right size with lower price!
How lucky I was!
However, I think I have spent too much money lately, so I should save.
I started keeping track of my money, so I should be fine.
At night, Iwasaki san, who is my younger friend, came to visit me and went to noodle place.
We chat and stopped by at the convenience store to get some kinds of ice cream.
We hang out at my apt till late at night.
Now I got everything ready for tomorrow.
Tomorrow is my first day of work in 2008.
I have to be there 45 minutes earlier than usual.
I should go to bed now.
Leftovers Taste Really Good!

I have eaten all day today.
There are so many leftovers from yesterday.
Osehchi (Japanese festive food for the New Year) is good for a couple days.
Japanese people tried to save energy for new years so we cooked everything at the end of December and keep eating the same thing from 1/1-1/3.
These are my grandma’s Osechi which taste a little different from my mom’s.
Both are really good though.
We got up early enough and we went to grave to say hi to our grandpa after breakfast.
It was so cold today in Kyoto.
After we got back from grave, we had Osechi again for lunch.
After we had lunch, my sis and I went shopping.
We wanted to get some stuff for our apt, but I had too many things at my apt already, so I did not get any furniture, but small stuff only.
We get bored easily when we are at our grandma’s so we keep eating, taking a nap, or going out for shopping.
Otherwise, my grandma keeps talking, which is good for her.
This is special soup for New Years, kinda miso soup.
Special soup for New Years is different depending on the region.
Osaka’s are clear soup and the picture above is Kyoto’s, which is white miso soup.
This is sooooooo delicious!
I always wish that I were American on Thanksgiving day, but I always think that I am lucky that I was born as Japanese!
We had Osechi again for dinner and came back to Osaka by car.
We are soooo full.
I promise that I will go on a diet from tomorrow with eating chocolates right now...
New Year!!

I can’t say “Happy” this year, so “A New Year!!”
This is Japanese culture, but when one of your relative passed away, you don’t suppose to celebrate anything for one year.
So we can’t say “A Happy New Year”, we can’t wear Kimono, we can’t go to shrines or we can’t eat traditional Japanese New Year dishes.
My mom’s dad passed away last February, so we had to follow the culture.
We did not do say “Happy” or we did not wear Kimono, but we had to go to shrines for our company.
Going to shrines is our custom to wish a good luck for our company with my dad.
My mom stayed home at least this year, but I could not understand why it is bad to appreciate god and ask him a good luck again, so I went.
This is “Osechi”, Japanese traditional New Year dishes.
Well this is my mom’s handmade, so they are pretty arranged.
They are really delicious dishes which we only can eat on New Year’s day.
I was disappointed that I would not be able to eat this year, but my mom made a little bit.
It is such a hard work to prepare these dishes but I love this Japanese culture.
I am not good at cooking, but I want to learn how to prepare these dishes and want to pass this my family traditional recipes.
We had mom’s “Osechi” this morning with our maid, who is 95 years old.
She is still fine, but she is so skinny and looks like she just got a bone.
I felt pity for her that she lives by herself, but she kept saying that she is happy with that.
My dad and mom cried a lot this morning because of her.
They felt sorry for her and they thought they would not be able to spend new year’s day with her anymore.
I think they were just too sensitive.
After that, we went to a hospital where my grandma is to greet her.
And we left for Kyoto to visit my other grandma and ate mo grandma’s handmade Osechi, which is a little different from my mom’s.
We played cards afterwards, and I lost $20…
We are now staying at my grandma’s all together and will spend one night.