Jan 18, 2007


I Can't Help It!

This is a menu of a restaurant I went the other day.
This is a noodle place.
I take Hula Dance lesson once a week after work.
Since I don't have time to eat before the lesson, I get hungry by the time the lesson is over.
I am trying to go on a diet, so I am not supposed to eat no later than 8 o'clock.
More than that, I really should not this fatty stuff late at night.

But look! It looks good, huh?
I can't help stopping by at noodle place after Hula lesson.
I am not sure why I always choose noodle place to eat after Hula lesson, because I am not a big fun of noodle.
However, late at night, I usually feel like eating this kind of noodles so bad.
In Japan, most of us want to eat noodle when we are drunk.
You should try it when you are drunk!
So lots of noodle place in Japan opens will one or two in the morning.
Some opens even till 5 in the morning!!
How come night snack is so tasty!?
Anyway, I gotta this bad habit...

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