Nov 18, 2008

Osaka For Hula

First of all, this is such a good song I listen to these days, title "Continue".

I wanted to take an early flight to Osaka this morning, but got a text from my boss 6 in this morning.
He goes, “Go to one convention if you’d like”.
If you’d like????
No, I wouldn’t!
So I text him back, “I will go if this is your order, otherwise, I would like to go back to my office in Osaka”
Of course, he made me go.
I don’t mind to go to convention, but I just did not like the idea that my boss did not tell me earlier.
I have planed for a day everyday, so I don’t like to be messed up like this…

I was at a convention for a couple of hours, and saw two iron chefs, Sakai and Ochiai.
They are both skinnier than I saw on TV.
They looked around the convention and came to our booth too.
It was funny to see that everyone treated them like GOD.

Took a flight home and work at my office.
Since I have to go to Tokyo tomorrow again, it would be much better to stay there.
However, I could not, because I have to take care of my department.
Finally, recently I feel responsible for my department.

There were couple more reason why I came back to Osaka.
My bed and hula lesson!
Had a good lesson tonight.


Budiman9968 said...

I Like read your blog.
so I would like to introducting my self : My name : budiman ( budy)
I live in bali.
have you ever come to bali..?
enjoy foods,cultur,and many more..
I sure 100% you will get deferent experience.....

Have nice day!

YU said...

Hi budiman.
Thanks for your comment.
I would love to go to bali but had never been there yet.
Bali is one of the places I want to travel next!