Dec 26, 2008


Hangover But Drunk More

I woke up at my hotel in Tokyo and oh my god!! I had really a bad headache.
Yes, hangover…
I had never gotten hangover, but since last year, I sometimes get hangover.
Probably it is because of my age??

I took a flight to go back to Osaka, and had lunch with my sis, and went back to my office after.
It was a pretty busy day at work, and I did not feel well because of hangover headache…
I really did not feel like going out to drink tonight, but look at me, I look really happy in the picture.
Yes, I finally felt better after work.

We talked a little about work, ate a lot and drunk a lot of course.
It did not take much time for me to get drunk tonight.
Everyone could tell that I was tired because I could not stop yawning...
How rude...

Although I was tired and wanted to go home, drinking out with co-workers from sales department is always fun.
They are such nice and funny guys.
They can drink so much, and if I drink as much as they drink, I would die.
I just get a little worried about the 23-year-old girl who just entered to our company this April.
She lives with her family and I bet her parents get worried about thier daughter if she gets home at 1 in the morning.
What a bad boss I am...

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