Dec 10, 2008

Working Outside

Working Out Of Office

It was foggy this morning.
Very rare!!
Made me miss San Francisco!

I am sooo tired today since I was out of office most of the day.
I went out to eat French restaurant which was just opened at a new building last month and waited for this reservation.
My assistant and I went to BENOIT by paying $40 for lunch.
It was more than good food and we had good time.
We will introduce this restaurant at the meeting on Saturday to Board of Directors.
Believe or not, this is part of our work.

This new building was cute.
Of course we did not have much time to look around, but took a picture of part of their architect

After eating too much at the restaurant, we went to a couple department store to check out new products.
Guess what, I found our pie product at one sweets section at one department store.
Two days in row!
I bought some and tasted them.
Don’t look that good in this picture, but were pretty good!

I ate more sweets which some of my assistants bought after this.
Oh my, I don't wanna eat anymore...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Someone else actually misses the SF fog! I lived in Bay Area before I moved to Alaska and miss that too! I don't miss freezing to death at a Giants game though! hahaha

Oh, you found your pie shells at another outlet! Great! The ones with blueberries look yummy! It would be nice as a "flan" (egg custard) too! When I worked in Buenos Aries, I started to like flan, as it's a customary dessert there. Oishi katta!
