Dec 5, 2007


Tokyo Eating Business Trip

I left to Tokyo early this morning by plane.
Since there was an accident, so the train got delayed.
Trains often get delayed in Tokyo.
I joined the seminar for the exhibiters for the biggest food convention in Asia in this coming March.
I am excited but there are so many things to do before we get ready for the convention.
I am always the one who go to the convention, bur never as an exhibiter.
Very nervous.

Since I got a couple hours after the seminar, so I went to my favorite building in Tokyo, New Marunouchi Building.
I shopped a bit, and had expensive Italian lunch by myself.
It is nice to be able to eat good food by company expense for work, but I always feel sad that I have to eat good food by myself.
This is a picture of Risotto I had, which was a part of the course menu.
I don’t like to eat by myself, first of all.

Got a call from my ex boyfriend, telling me that his parents are in Kyoto.
As I told him that I was in Tokyo, he took me for dinner.
His company is in front of my company’s branch in Tokyo.
What a coincidence!
We talked a lot about our work, and I felt weird that we have totally different life although we shared the same three years of our lives together.
It is always interesting to see my friends are getting changed, so that I can know a lot of different perspective.

Recently, I get tired too easily when I see someone for dinner.
My bad habit, but I can’t stay at restaurant for long hours to chat.
I felt a little bad that I went back to hotel soon.

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