Jan 11, 2008

January 11th

What Happened January 11th

These are slippers at my apt.
Today is 12th, but I am writing about yesterday now.

I am so tired on this day.
Got home at 10:30PM from my office because of unexpected useless overtime.
I had supper and soon after I laid on my bed and fell a sleep.
I was planning to get up an hour later or so to do some stuff for myself, but I woke up at 2AM in the morning.
The TV, which I kept on during my nap time, shows an old Japanese movie about prostitute like a late movie show.
I brushed my teeth and washed my face, and I was trying to make myself write this blog.
However, I was too sleepy and didn’t feel like writing one.
Since I write a blog once a day everyday, I felt guilty not writing one.

I watched a part of the Japanese prostitute story, and I liked it.
I think it was a sad story, although I am not sure cuz I just saw a part of it.
I wish I could figure out the title of the movie so that I can watch the whole story.
It was an very interesting Japanese historical movie.

Anyway, I was watching it, and also I was thinking that I have to write a blog.
So I had a dream about me writing a blog about Japanese prostitute.
Dreaming is interesting.
Sometime I have a dream about something in my mind, and sometime I have a dream about something I have no idea why I have such a dream.

On 1/11, I attended a meeting as a leader of a management department.
Our department is a trouble maker of our company in December, so I got a pot at the meeting.
Too bad…
I had a couple appointments with a package design company and with a web design company.
One was really a nasty guy and the other was a really young boy as President of each company.
I figured that Vice President’s room smelled really bad.
I didn’t feel comfortable having a meeting there with him.
I found out the smell was from a dead mouse’s body.

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